Decision making is dead

Their market research says otherwise. It’s not hard to understand why. Their primary player base is mobile players and those players wants prepackaged decks that essentially play themselves. Everything in HS is primarily targeted at the mobile players. Players on PC barely register as a blip to them.

Rank = time played × skill, until hitting Legend

You won’t climb higher in Legend without skill, period. Doesn’t matter how long you grind

But even outside of Legend, there is still only so much time in a month, and ranks reset every month. There are low skill players who are stuck in Platinum because they’re so bad that even if they no-lifed it all month long, that’s not enough time for them

I came in here expecting abstract philosophy, maybe some name dropping like Hobs or the like.

What I found instead was merely a Sophie. Do I ignore the OP, or do I argue with them? Humanity loses either way.

Wait i didn’t know Hobbs was a philosopher. I need to rewatch this movie.

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Jason Statham is my “guilty pleasure” actor. His movies are near-universally “direct-to-dvd” levels trash, but I love them anyway.

You must be lost.

Incorrect. Humanity only loses if you argue with it, otherwise it wins by default. And humanity must lose.

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Appreciate that, but that isn’t how it feels.