Deathknight Spells

When are they being nerfed?

Their spells in general need to be nerfed. face damage, CC, healing, all ridiculous.

I mean, they’re all pretty much on par with other spells that exist in game. Slightly stronger in certain cases, weaker in others. Know what? Lets be thorough.

Costs shown in brackets

Horn of Winter (0): Identical to mana biscuit
Icy Touch (1): Compare to arcane shot and grasping roots. Slightly better because of freeze

Heart strike(1): Compare to arcane shot and lightning bolt. 3 damage but minion only, conditional bonus

Plagued grain (1): Compare to wicked shipment or wings of hate. 2/2 minions, but delayed benefit.

Runeforging (1): Plenty of other examples of 1-cost “Draw/Discover ___” spells with conditionals

Blood Tap (2): Compare to conditioning and chum bucket, requires a corpse for +2/+2

Dark Transformation (2): Good when used properly, requires setup though

Defrost (2): 1 card draw unless 2 corpses. Plenty of other 2 mana cards in game that draw 2 or more.

Frost strike (2): Standard 3 damage + effect for 2 mana.

Plague strike (2): Ditto

Obliterate (2): Destroy a minion with 3 damage back in your face. Compare to shadow word: Death or the “accusation” cards.

Unholy frenzy (2): Compare to devouring swarm and riot.

Vampiric blood (2): +5 health unless 3 corpses, then +10 total and card. Compare to earthen scales and chitinous plating. Yeah, it’s good, but it’s also a triple blood so it should be good.

Anti-magic shell (3): Plenty of other 3 cost “Give all +1/+1 + effect” cards in the game.

Asphyxiate (3): Conditional “destroy” card at 3 cost. Compare to deadly shot and suffocating shadows

Glacial advance (3): It was a bit too good, so they nerfed it. Now it’s comparable to other 3 cost damage spells

Graveyard shift (3): More or less equivalent to other 3-cost summon equivalent 4/4 worth of minions

Howling blast (3): literally icy touch + arcane blast for the same cost

Death strike (4): 6 damage and lifesteal for 4 mana, but can only target minions. Compare to fireball that can hit anything.

Grave strength (4): Compare to pride’s fury, which it’s worse than unless corpse condition met

Remorseless winter (4): 2 damage to all + draw a card. Compare to consecrate, holy nova, rancor.

Tomb Guardian (4): Compare to prescience or demonic assault. Worse than those if you don’t have the corpses

Army of the dead (5): Easily comparable to other 5-cost summon horde spells. Way worse if you don’t have the corpses.

Blood Boil (5): Situationally amazing or terrible, hard to compare as this is a pretty unique spell. While it provides a ton of lifesteal if the opponents board is full, it also means that the DK has to keep the board alive to keep getting that healing, which in today’s OTK meta might not be feasible.

Frostwyrm’s fury (7): roughly equivalent to flight of the bronze + frost nova + chaos leech, for roughly the same cost.

The scourge (9): Legendary spell, so it should be that good. Can completely wiff, as “undead” can mean summoning a board full of 1 and 2 cost minions.

Now, I’m aware that you can’t just compare them in a vacuum, because certain combinations can give more than their individual cost. With that being said, blizz has completely thrown out the concept of “class cards” with how many decks are able to discover cards from other classes, so that’s not an argument.

Point and fact: Almost everything the DK class has right now is very comparable to other classes for the same cost, and often times either has an additional cost that must be satisfied, or has a deck building restriction within the class, something that no other class has to deal with right now.

Now, if there’s a particular combo that needs attention, that’s a different argument. But saying “DK spells need to be nerfed in general” is just trolling.

You cant nerf DK cards atm because as you can see nerfs to other classes have been done to put DK on top of the meta since this is what is going to attract customers to buy the current expansion. Hearthstone at present is now geared towards what will bring the most quick income to the game and not about customer retention through stuff like proper balancing anymore.

Their spells require corpses, which is the tradeoff, if you aren’t able to work around this, you’re not good. That’s all.