Death Knights OP/Broken

Have officially put this game to rest. Congrats on making a seriously broken Class. Almost auto concede every match against them. Pretty stupid if you ask me.


Is this suppose to be ironic?


Maybe, are you a Death Knight? :sweat_smile:

Not really ive tried to class, its alright but its severely lacking in some aspects like, strong aoe board clear, removal that doesnt punish you (Like obliterate), consistent win con, mana cheat etc.

Death Knight has a 46% win-rate. It’s laughably bad, and in desperate series need of buffs. You seriously must be the worst player in the history of the game if you are consistently losing to DK’s.


Dude it’s the new class you want it to be under-powered? They’ll make balances as they go along. It’s a business - lol. I am biased because I love Blood Death Knight / Wild format.

Lol, typical response from someone likely playing an OP deck/class. I probably shouldn’t have used the word OP but they’re undoubtedly broken and annoying to play against. Yes, I can beat them, but they usually end up drawing the matches out up to 10-15 minutes long.

Just my two cents - from a business point of view - they want the new class to be powerful. Then after time passes, make adjustments along with player retention and profit margins whatever - not a CEO just a guess. You can make an argument where the player retention / profit margin should be as I am not up to date on it but to ignore that it is a Business - is silly to me.

It’s NOT powerful though. It’s just barely above Warrior for the weakest class at the moment. It was popular for about a week cause it was the shiney new class, but now that everyone (except the OP who is appearantly awful) has seen how bad it is everyone is now playing Rogue and Demon Hunter instead.

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Honestly I love the new class so much I’ll play it even if I lose ten times in a row… and that’s what makes good players. How we lose not how we win.

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I agree that it’s a FUN class, but it’s badly lacking the mana-cheats and absurd one-shot abilities every other class (except warrior) has right now.

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What’s stupid is thinking that Death Knights are OP/Broken.

Check with HSReplay before you write stuff like this.

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You either stupid or uninformed or both. I’m not sure which yet.

I see you resort to projection

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OP is probably playing a non meta deck.
Most non meta decks that are bad are especially bad against control decks.

Odd warrior may be one of the worst decks in wild (just assuming for the sake of argument), but if you are playing a deck that doesn’t have a win condition you would think it is op.
Probably blood DK is op against these sorts of deck (and maybe aggro/slow combo?)

The most balance class in a while due to its rune system. It is not op and is not broken, it fights 4 the board in diff ways and that’s how the game should be(no solitaire class). It is next to warrior as the weakest class because it lacks proper past support or the other top classes are just broken.
Now if you constantly losing to DK it means your deck is bad or well you know, how do I put it? List your decklist and lets see how it can be improve to overcome the onslaught.
I always say cutting or adding a pair of cards can drastically improve w/r, to refine meme decks it takes time. Trial and error is the only way but it works if you are a good deck builder.

The rune system is not a nerf at all. You would pretty much make the same decks without it. In case you dont feel DK is overpowered: just look at winrates in both standard and arena and be quiet.

The class is not balanced as of yet.

The responses to this thread aged like fine milk.

ROFLMAO you have NOT played the class then…

Blood DK can clear the entire board over and over, while Frost can keep your minions in frozen status for 4+ turns.

Sorry but you have no IDEA what you are talking about.

They need to go farther with the discover nerf. You shouldn’t be able to discover anything outside of your rune comp. Other classes should be free to get whatever if they get lucky, but DK should be completely restricted to what their deck is.