Death Knights; Fix Them

When are all Death Knight cards getting the +1 to their cost that they so desperately need?

Blood death knight - 14,000 games at Diamond 5 - 1 with a 60% win rate (rounded).

As a game designer how do you NOT jump all over that? Death Knight cards have been broken since launch. FIGURE IT OUT AND DO THE MATH.

Spoiler : I did it on a napkin and can tell you they all need +1 to cost (the ones in the mainstream deck).

The hero power also needs to not proc a corpse if it dies to the passive. If it dies as a defect in to a minion, sure. But not if it goes face.


I agree with you but your wrong. dk was so bad they had to buff them heavy a week after launch.

The hero power is the most blanced thing about dk.


Phen, seek professional help



Doesn’t paladin have 68% wr or so?
I think that should be the main target
And priests, priests should never exist regarldess their wr, it’s just too boring to play vs it

You are correct. Paladin is actually stronger than DK. But being honest, for every 1 paladin you fight, you fight 20 DKs. Not even an exaggeration.
So of course when they did a DK nerf, they also did a pally nerf. Going forward there will be pally nerfs alongside DK nerfs, so, yeah.

Also leave priest alone, they legit got like 1 decent deck right now.


Well if you spent more time figuring out how to play around cards instead of the time spent complaining about them, you’d probably be in legend, and maybe even like the game. That’s my math for ya.

Or go make you’re own game.

irrational control haters are back!

Nerf? What nerf? When did they nerf DK? Are you talking about construct quarter? Oh no, one less durability. Such a shame.

Are you denying that DK is oppressive right now? This DH all over again.

I don’t mind them getting a corpse for trading it in. I do mind them getting a corpse from it just dying as a result of its passive effect. Use it or lose it.

Honestly, 1/1 with charge, plus you gain a corpse is insanely powerful. Don’t forget that they pretty much have two hero powers imo with Corpses and the Ghouls what other class gains that much to their class cards directly tied to their hero power? and isn’t a specialized deck for the hero power ((none))