Death Knight Zerg, Counterplay?

Parasitic design sells and the mobile crowd loves it. Been like that for a while now. They don’t make a set full of cards and effects. They make decks and turn them into sets.

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I don’t know if sets are necessarily bad. Packages of long-term combos are not bad gameplay. The problem is closer to them intentionally overtuning them for weeks because the players are too lazy to learn the cards.

PS I don’t believe for a second the Devs are dumb and don’t get that. They showed their true colors when they pretended two Expansions after badlands Reno that “now we realize it was OP”.

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no the cake is a lie get it right

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The only delusional thing is choosing not to use available counterplay options and then complaining about losing.

You’re a slow, long-term combo deck. It’s no different from dirty rat at that point.

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I have other minions in the deck, but even having them in hand doesn’t protect it from the viper as the targets are chosen at random.

Transforming sounds like a good option, removes the deathrattle and even the zerg tag, I’ll look into that option, might have to swap to shaman to be able to play ranked this season

Edit; I think Sylvanas is a good counterplay card as well, if the viper rips her out you steal something, and if she’s on the field when a colossus hits her, and said colossus is the only minion, the second hit from it will hit the mage who played it.

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You’re just getting countered, bro

If you played Weapon Rogue, you’d have 75% against it

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Protoss Druid kills Zerg DK pretty easily. Terran Shaman also somewhat is favourable.


After playing it for a while ‘hostage shaman’ must have a 99.99% winrate vs dk zerg. Its pretty funny.


i got a feeling thats only bc of hero power

from what ive seen you either completely ignore it and try to kill them asap (like w weapon rogue and some mirrors)

or you fight for board and try to keep enough pressure up to secure a win

it’s a really frustrating deck cuz it’s so flexible, like it can be aggro early on and if they dont win they have kerrigan for midrange and finishing you off, and if THAT doesnt work they have the endless stream of huge zergs to do it
tl;dr control doesnt work lol

according to statistics, weapon rogue and a few combo decks are your best bets with it

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This deck is hilarious against them.

I used to think that Kerrigan’s effects were too much for 7 mana, but I’ve come around. It’s meant to be an aggressive deck with a bit of ability to control the board. It doesn’t really have the ability to go long the way that Protoss or Terran can (specially Raynor in Shaman…armor + board clears + possibly damage to hero + ability to abuse Snapshot via Triangulates). I hope that if they do end up doing some rebalancing to zergs, that they don’t touch Kerrigan.


There is also another option: you play the card and it does little to help you :smiley:

Just popping in, Toss Druid is really effective against DK

Terran Shaman is an honourable mention as well

So far I tried Protoss rogue and priest and Zerg DK feels absolutely invencible, no chance at all.

Decide to play against anything else, what make interesting matches, and concede against DK.

You know a deck is beyond broken when kill every single other deck the class have before release.

100% of DK in ladder is a Zerg DK.

The deck need to be massively overnerfed to completely erradicate out of the ladder forever.

Everything else is fine.

highly recommend groovy cat druid, doesnt feel good, but slaughters dk, their lack of taunt is their downfall

i run 1 attack taunts
renovator if i can to prevent them from giving rush to infestor

the low attack taunts seem to slow infestor a lot giving you a chance to use silence before he can trade it wiithout them they usualy give it rush with the location and trade it ASAP

tossmage lazers it in half, twice

i mean i think in general the hero cards for the set are ridiculously overtuned, kerrigan especially

a board clear, summoning 2 very good minions, gaining 5 armour, as well as gaining an insane hero power, while summoning 2 minions to support it, while also generating MORE zergs from that alone
like i get the idea but dude it does way too much at once for 7 mana, like its RIDICULOUS


This card is so broken and overtuned, make the prenerf 8 manas Reno feels crap in comparison, more mana and highlander requirement.

Should cost, at absolute bare minimum, 8 manas and will remain broken as hell if was.