Death Knight Zerg, Counterplay?

How do we fight death knight zerg? As far as I know there’s no mass silence right now so they just get huge and can’t be stopped, I’m trying to play protoss mage and the viper rips the colossus out of hand

am I just cursed to always lose this match up or is there an anti-infestor play that I’m missing?

I’m using a tempo version of protoss mage and doing ok vs Zerg DK.

I apply pressure and face damage while just making sure the board isn’t fully out of my control using the least resources possible to do it. I send damage face a lot, and usually by the time I can use Colossus, it’s lethal, and they never got an opportunity to set up a viper board.


Fight for the board and keep pressure on the zerg player is your best bet.

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You don’t, it is completely overbusted beyond believe, pushed to be the meta tyrant until severe nerf patchs comes.

It is completely invencible and unfair, the only deck you can have 50% chance is play Zerg DK itself.


Theres probably two ways to play protoss colossus mage the full ‘control’ stall or a more tempo version thats designed like elemental mage (with colossus being a prenerf lamplighter). I’m guessing your deck is more the stall version where your counterplay is stalling until your colossus is able to kill them. Generate as many removal spells as you can… try to chip damage with the charge guys so you dont have to wait until turn 17 for the colossus to be able to kill. Make maximum use of your defensive cards like bob/the freeze elemental/hope that weapon 5/5 guy smiles on you. Limit the turns infestor is on the board so they cant do deathgrowl/yodler/reborn stuff (although sometimes itll be completely out of your control).

I mean if you want to target the matchup at the expense of other matchups… cards like royal librarian/MCT/even blizzard (although this might be a stretch) could probably increase your winrate slightly.

Some games though they’ll just get off a turn 4 deathgrowl and run you over with 5/5 zerglings and theres nothing you can do about it.


The “super rat” minion it summons from opponent hand and give reborn for the entire board for UNBELIABLE PATHETIC 4 MANAS is the biggest offender in this completely retarded overpowered deck.

It is the more undercosted card of all time in this game, prenerf 8 manas Reno don’t come even close.


i run

Common · Minion · Core · Tradeable Battlecry: Silence a minion.

in every standard deck


Not enough, not even close to be enough, we need the mass silence 4 minion back, fast.


its better than nothing, are you not trying to silence them?

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Deafen helps. Unfortunately, smart players save a charge of Spawning pool so they can rush the infestor and death growl minions in the same turn sometimes happening as early as turn 4 with the coin, so it can be rough.

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Play 5 games now, 3 of them against this cursed overpowered deck with unfair and extremely undercosted cards.

Taking a break now until the deck being obliterated and erradicated out of the existence with massive nerfs.

The devs never, ever test these things? This one is REALLY of the charts for any excuse.


I will if we had good options, this one is too costly and slow, the tradeable helps to not be useless against other decks, but with the massive presence of Zerg DK a more cheaper or more effective will be considered.

At actually this card is I just feel is not enough, not even close to be enough, the zerg cards in DK are unbeliable undercosted for massive and absolutely unfair effects.

so i gave you the answer but you wont use it, and now you dont want to play

the issue here isnt the game or the devs

its you

You see me complaining about anything else? No.

Because everything else is fine.

Only zerg DK is completely unfair and unbalanced, specially the 4 manas minion who destroy a minion in your hand and give reborn for the entire board.

A subpar 4 minion it can silence only one minion in the board, in other words, it is not cheap or mass silence like cards we had before, don’t is and not ever will be a solution for this absurd overpowered and undercosted zerg deck.


either you use the card and win, or you dont and keep crying

I think Zerg DK gets a little on the highroll side if they have a spawning pool and infestor in their starting hand or first 4 turns. Otherwise, the deck really doesn’t do that much. I’m sure that players are probably hard mulliganing for those two cards. Viper does do a ton for 4 mana, I agree with that.

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viper should be 5 mana

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Viper for 5 will remain cheaper as hell, but something in the right direction.

My problem with the silence minion is for 4 manas the chances of you have ever the opportunity to use it is slim, for 3 like the others tradeable tech cards I will agree with you, for 4 manas it is just crap.

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Why the viper just don’t summon the minion from opponent hand and your minions attack it? Why the card have a completely free mass reborn effect on top of the very strong effect without any stats penaulty already?


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They should just tack on a corpse cost for every minion that gets reborn. 2-3 corpses per minion that gets reborn. Or only the minion that attacks into the enemy minion that survives gains reborn. That would make the card too complex though. Maybe just make it cost 6-8 mana and call it a day.

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