Death Knight Zerg, Counterplay?

This. ^

For 6 manas will be a strong effect but ok, will give more time to fight for the board.

For 4 manas is just insane.


Fight aggro with aggro it seems like. This DK deck lacks survival tools, so you have to take advantage of that.

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This is why you’re losing. Infestor is how Zerg DK wins, Viper is how you lose. They are not the same thing.

The only thing you can do is pray. Pray they don’t have Viper early. Pray Viper is played without Colossus in your hand. Pray Viper pulls something else. Pray you can play Fizzle with a Colossus snapshot. Pray. That’s just the way it is if you play a combo deck against disruption.

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The funny thing is that viper is literally the lowest WR card in the deck in most lists

Seriously though, OP, just play Weapon Rogue it’s a complete hard counter and beats Dungar ~45% of the time (e.g, you’ll climb slowly but surely)

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Location Warlock is more than adequate in handling Zerg DK.

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Play shaman fill the board with junk and make every board based deck useless actually the most unfun deck to play rn shaman needs to be looked at


i literally just beat a dk due to silencing the infester they had given reborn to, it set them back so much they lost the game

4 mana silence is not too slow at all


lol you prob put him or her on tilt and completely changed the game for them they were prob so lost in anger over the loss they wouldnt think straight lolol i played a game earlier where i silence this guys ship parts 4 times and he jus quit hahahah remember when u silence a ship part it isnt anymore its trash haahah

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Either guaranteed early board clear or pray they don’t draw their Infestors. Alternatively, just wait for the set rotation because a lot of the tools Zerg DKs use are from sets that are rotating out this year like Festival of Legends

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In Wild, you would play Priest with Saronite Chain Gang and Velen. All these web deck players are sheep so they play the deck that’s shown and none include any type of silence mechanic. Standard, not sure about.


Frankly this meta is way too obnoxious already. It feels like they turned the turbo-clunky gameplay of Pirate Demon Hunter into the norm now.

Those zerg DKs are extremely clunky to pilot because they rely on a specific sequence of zerg cards yet they also have win rate on top.

It’s true that the Devs don’t play their own game. If they did they’d be pure masochistic if they liked piloting as DK zerg.


These gonzo devs destroyed DK identity with these garbage cards.


Well this quickly devolved into pointless bickering…

Mass silence would be nice, or a taunt minion that silences attackers, just, some kind of counter.

The 4 mana silence saves you from 1 stack of infestor, 2 if you tag one with reborn

at least priest has the 1 mana silence

Mind control and bob can help

there’s the rogue minion that destroys all copies of the target

I’m starting to think the best counter is 0 minion decks, don’t give them anything to rush into.

Weapon rogues sounds like a way to do that

But if running only colossus that guarantees the viper…

Tough match up, hoping someone figures out what I’m missing, been trying all sorts of counter play and it just feels like, the counter is a lie


Rogues can use the same 1 mana silence as Priests, which works well in weapon deck. The issues with Infestor are the fact that DK can spread its deathrattle so easily, give it reborn just as easily, and Viper just loves you playing minions.


I am having decent results against Zerg with Terran Shaman

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Add more minions to your deck, and keep some in your hand to reduce the odds they pull a Colossus.

As tempting as it is to play Void Rays, sometimes they’re best as bait for both Vipers and Ghosts.

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This is just delusional, until massive nerfs comes viper is so insanely overpowered, completely hard counter everything it relies on strategic minions.

Zerg DK stomps the mage deck ike nothing.

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i reverbed a queen, got a viper and vipered a dk as a mage

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You should have a variety of minions in your deck and not that garbage Protoss 3 drop either. If you don’t you are setting yourself up to lose. Rat is a real card that sees play and they will hit you with it when you are holding the Colossus.

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The game is abysmally ill-equipped to handle defense with silencing (and silence-adjacent effects like “remove”) for most classes in the game.

For example I was playing a DH today and its silences are mostly single-target weak and wasteful against a big board.

At the core is powercreep because the Devs are happy to indulge lazy gamers who don’t want to learn new decks.

Basically they release OP cards on purpose, because the players don’t want to spend time to optimize the meta.

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