Death Knight Plagues

I keep seeing a lot of people complaining about Demon Hunters pulling Mag’s for 1 mana and the 3 damage hitting the minions and face calling it overpowered. But having a warlock have two 9/9’s, or two 15/15’s by turn 6 is fair? Or how about Steamcleaner no longer in standard so you can’t stop plagues is ok? Say a DH does 12 damage with mag, that takes 2 turns with 2 1 mana Mags if they are lucky. I really enjoy DH, but prefer more of a control style so I understand the frustration people having. Even when I do play tempo I rarely see 2 1 mana Mags, even bouncing the mini back and rolling again. I’m more frustrated not being able to stop Death Knight plagues because that means if you enjoy playing Reno based deck, it’s always a loss. Every player should be able to play the deck they enjoy. Of course there will always be more difficult match ups, but you should never be in the position to not be able to play around a deck. I’ve been browsing my collection trying to find a work around but just can’t find anything. If I’m missing something I’d be grateful to hear about it.

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Bro, use paragraphs.

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The only people crying about DK’s are DH’s

My apologies, typing on my phone so it’s hard to tell the size.

I agree that DH’s need to be adjusted. What I was saying was that it’s not right that one deck can make others unplayable with no way to counter, like DK Plaugues.

Well, thats some serious BS. I only play Mage, Pally and warrior. Mainly Mage. I hate DK and their plague BS so profoundly, it must have opened a wormhole somewhere in the universe.

I would be running a steamcleaner. IF it was still in standard, that is. Removing it was a blunder of epic proportions. It allowed something that wildly anniyong to become something worthy of conceding against the moment they equip the ONE MANA weapon. Turn one and you already have a plague in your deck. Unreal.

I face nothing but plague dk in standard and its annoying AF that i cant remove these 15 plagues from my 30 card deck.

That’s what I’m talking about. No way to counter or defuse this. Aggressive decks, although they can be frustrating, can dealt with. No way to stop DK plague.

It’s the Hearthstone Coronavirus!!!:scream::scream::scream:

I have 8+ plagues in a Warriors deck he has 6 tnt and he pulls all 6 tnt before I pull 2 plages they game is rigged.

BS 1 or BS 2. take your pick. Both are BS, by the way.