Death Knight Plague Buff

I’m just going to cut straight to the chase-Plague! Fix It!-I have played Death Knight Plague for a long while now, and watched other people play them, and what usually happens is that we take our turns, play a Helya if we draw it, place on average 10-20 plagues into the enemy’s deck, and they draw 1-5 for the entire game.

Does anyone else feel this is unfair? I win about 1/10 of my games with my plague deck, if I’m having a good day (I also run 1 blood rune cards to try to ensure I don’t die. Never worked so far). The devs just need to rework them, even if only slightly, to make these a viable option… Otherwise, I think I’ll just stop playing it entirely.

Possible changes I have thought about:

  1. Rework the RNG for the plague draws. Unless if a card is played that specifically reorders the deck, make the plagues more likely to be drawn. I have witnessed too many games to count where over half of the opponent’s deck is plagues and they draw none of them.

  2. Buff the plague effects. One main problem with how the plagues currently work is that if you want to build a good deck for them, you need to make almost the entire deck on just them. If the entire deck is plagues, you won’t be able to survive, or do much anything else. If the opponent never draws your plagues, then make the effects better when they do. Even just doubling the damage, mana cost increase, and stats of summons would be fine with slightly better RNG.

  3. Add more cards to force your opponent to draw. The more cards that your enemy draws, the more plagues they will draw as well. Cards like defrost already have a good idea on this, but we need more cards that force them to draw, maybe even forcing them to only draw a certain amount of plagues.

  4. Add cards that allow reordering of the opponent’s deck. One card that I remember from hearthstone, whether the main game or one of its variants, was a card that reordered your deck so that the highest cost cards were on top, all the way to the bottom. Add one or two cards that reorder the plagues so they are on the top or closer to it, therefore making the opponent draw more of them.

Does anyone feel the same on this, and understand this pain? If you have any ideas to add, feel free to! I’ll just hope and pray the devs eventually notice …

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Sorry, but you’re literally betting on RNG being in your favour with a Plague Deck.

It can work (I’ve lost a few DK players with plague decks), but it’s never something you can lock in. The idea behind it is to put plagues into the deck, then stay alive long enough for the plagues to kill your opponent, which means the larger their deck, the lower your odds.

Your deck touches the opponent’s deck (unfair mechanic, cheating mechanic), your deck deserves to be deleted and you are permanently banned for touching the opponent’s cards without the opponent’s consent (because the opponent’s deck or cards do not belong to you, it belongs to the opponent).

So you want them to not be truly random and therein make the game actually rigged? I honestly do not think it prudent to even open this discussion of non-random draw. No.

This is the only reasonable suggestion in your list. I am not certain that plagues need to be improved as they can be quite toxic.

If your opponent hand is full, the plagues are burned without the effect. This suggestion would also likely help your opponents more than it would help you. Card draw is quite powerful and drawing enough to mill your opponent would stop your plagues from going off entirely while giving them playable cards to pressure you with.

Not sure this is a good option because it makes them too effective. Reorder the deck once you have 15 permanent plagues in and it becomes an otk.

I understand where you are coming from, but I also suspect your deck needs to be refined. If you think the primary win condition should be the plagues, then you are likely quite disappointed. The plagues are win more cards and your deck should be constructed to press your opponent more than a control deck that waits for plagues.

Plagues are fine. Even in a 30 card deck, its not a big chance they draw them and you shouldnt be relying on them. Theyre there for disruption and inevitability. They screw with dredge and reno decks. Stuff like order in the court gets worse by reshuffling their deck.
It is frustrating when they dont draw them, but again, theyre not meant to be reliable in a randomness heavy game.

What about the times where you do that and they draw 15 plagues and it completely screws them over and kills them. Because those times already happen too. So you gotta be careful with what you ask for lest it become out of hand.