Death Knight Nerfs

Class Cards cannot be discovered outside of the decks rune type

Blood Boil - Reduce Effect to only last 1 turn

Patchwerk - Cost change to 8 mana, Spend 3 corpses each to destroy a minion in your opponents hand, deck and battlefield.

Battlefield Necromancer - Spend 2* corpses to raise as a 1/3 taunt at the end of your turn

Alexandras Mograine - Cost change to 8 mana for the rest of the game deal 2* damage to your opponent at the end of the turn.

Vampiric Blood - Cost change to 3 mana, spend 3 corpses to gain 3* more health, removed draw a card.

Corpse explosion - Cost change to 6, No longer interrupts deathrattles

Soulstealer - Spend 10 corpses* to destroy all other minions and gain a corpse for each destroyed.

This class needs a heavy handed nerf bat passed over it.


I do think that the first suggestion is interesting and one that’s been thrown around. The arguments against discovering only cards within the same rune type is that you get to a point where, if there is a problematic card within a rune type, you increase the chances of discovering it. Like let’s say you do School Teacher and this change is implemented, now it means of all the cards Blood DK might discover, they’re going to be discovering more Vampiric Bloods, more Patchworks (an actual disaster if you’re playing control), Mograine (again, an actual disaster if you’re playing control), etc. So this isn’t really fixing anything, you’re just rerouting it. What needs to happen is discovering the original copies from your deck. You’ll still be locked into the rune type(s) you’re playing and you won’t be generating an abhorrent amount of whatever cards

Patchwork as it stands right now is PROBABLY fine. It’s a strong card and deserves to be strong, being more than one rune only hurts the potential of rainbow DK unless being a single rune ends up being a mistake down the line in case we get some powerful dual/ triple rune color decks. Can stay as it is

Mograine is only so strong atm because we’re in a format where Blood DK is very strong and is THE win condition against Priest (Patchwork is one as well if they hit Svalna, which is likely given how few minions the deck runs). It’s fine as it is

Battlefield Necromancer is very strong but unholy has a problem generating corpses early which often times means you need to coin out going second or have double Body Bagger plus Battlefield Necromancer since nobody is running Plagued Grain. He is very hand dependent to get going. Very strong but I think he’s actually fine

Corpse Explosion arguably could just cost 2 corpses per explosion depending on how lenient the rest of blood rune cards use corpses. Currently they use corpses for almost nothing which means it always is able to clear any board regardless of what recursive deathrattles you have or if you have stat buffing triggers. Either it spends twice the corpses or has a capacity on how many times it can trigger an explosion so it’s not a 5 mana clear the board better than literally every other board clear in the game. The other kill all nukes still don’t deal with deathrattles the way Explosion does, save for Plague of Death which is almost double the cost and is functionally the exact same card in 95% of cases

Soulstealer costing corpses is how the card should have always functioned. The fact that it actually generates corpses is insane. I don’t know what the number should be, but it should AT LEAST have the resource generation removed

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I also tried to think about this, but it is not good… if we take away the option of discovering from other runes, then they will discover their overpowered blood runes only… that won’t do any good for the balance… I rather would take away their ability of increasing max HP mindless. The other nerfs seems good. 10 corpses for Soulstealer seems a little bit much, lets say 6 or 8.

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I have a better solution, just buff other classes and give them win cons with consistent inevitability…

Before the rotation, we had Combo Druid, Quest Druid, Curse Imp Warlock, Phylactery Warlock, Quest Priest, Undead Priest, Deathrattle Rogue, Big Mage, Fell DH and Spell DH, and they were all favored against Blood DK. Now most of them either don’t exist anymore or are much weaker than before (e.g. Undead Priest).

Blood DK is so strong only because relatively few decks can deal lethal damage in a short amount of time. And if you give him enough time, he’ll most likely recover and exhaust your resources before you can finish him off.

Blood Dk is strong because it can discover its very specific broken cards in a myriad of common ways. Meaning you can control till turn 20 and get edged out successfully by discovery. 5-6 patchworks.

wth were they thinking giving DK a card that can spread 8/8 worth of stats across 4 minions?

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DK’s are so strong because that is the only class which was not adjusted for the new expansion because it is too new… They didn’t lose anything, but everyone else did… and really important mechanics against DK… Thats why they are even stronger than before. :\

Yeah, you tell them!

Now excuse me while i play anchored totem + totemic evidence for 3 mana and put 9/18 worth of stats on the board.


Rainbow DKs about to dominate

and that takes how many cards compared to one?

Blood dk would instantly die with those nerfs. Blood has the worst corpse generation and relies on having 4-5 corpses by turn 5 for corpse explosion. If they vamp blood it’s because you aren’t applying enough pressure.

Patchwerk is a perfectly balanced card, it’s random. If you get patchwerked, you already lost the board. If it’s control, you should of applied more pressure. Patch is a win more card, not a comeback card

I belive that the Blood Death Knights are going to be impacted by the class change. Because let’s be honest, When they can gain over 100 hp over the course of the match, along with all the from hand board clear. IT sucks the fun out of the match the the opponent that is facing that DK.

I think there might be some nerfs to Frost DK, however, the biggest impact I expect is that we are going to see Blood DK impacted the most.

Some of the Dk cards I think they will nerf will be…

Soul Stealer, I have a feeling that it will no longer be able to clear the entire board and possibly not gain any corpses.

Muncher might have the auto attack removed at the end of a turn.

Hematurge might cost more and require an additional corpse to discover.

I am not a fan of Blood Death Knight, however, I hope they don’t don’t completely gut Blood Death Knight because honestly, I’d much rather face a Blood DK over a Druid any day. I personally feel that druids get away to more than they should, and I am starting to see an increase in Druids in legend that have figured out how to ramp up really fast gain a gazzilian armour and play tony with jailer and I’d take an annoying Blood DK over that any day. lol. I hate druids, not hating on those who play the class, I just I really dislike the style of their kits, and the less Druids I have to face, the happier I am.

I love the DK class, I just hope they don’t gut it. That would be disappointing.

The problem with that is only Blood Dk’s would be able heal. And I don’t think that would be the right move. Honeslty I think they should just scrap the Rune system and adjust the cards so that they don’t have insanely oppressive combos.

I don’t like the rune system because there are certain cards that I would like to add in my deck, however, I can’t because of an incompatible rune. For example, Frost Queen Sydragosa would make sense to run in Frost DK, but can’t because she’s part Unholy, which to me makes no sense.

Anyway, I love Death Knights, and I look forward to see what they are changing, I just hope that the class will still be fun to play and remain competitive. I still want the class to be fun to play, but I don’t want it to be oppressive for players to play against. I don’t want DK’s the end up like Warriors, the class that they essentially deleted from the game.

This isn’t always true. You can still be applying good pressure, however, if they play vampiric blood on turn 4 and another on turn 5, and pop down a muncher on turn 6, no matter how much pressure you are applying that’s 25 additional health on top of the 35 they started with.

If they do happen to pull off 2 vampiric bloods and a muncher by turn 6, then the munchers becomes a priority target, which means you have to stop applying pressure to face and kill it, otherwise if left unchecked, it will gain 10 additional health the following round.

It hardly matters, you see her get played in about 10% of FDK games anyway because LMAO FROST STRIKE DISCOVERS. And then if she isn’t cleared, FWF gets played and full board freezes become full board wipes LMAO.

I play a lot of Death Knight and I discover her less than 10% of the time. I would still rather have her in my deck instead of maybe discovering her from what the card offers me.

I’d much rather discover an option that isn’t a 7 cost card that I can use that will provide me with more value and not drain all my resources in a turn. I typically play at least 1 frost strike on turn 2 sometimes turn 1, and having to wait until turn 7 makes no sense to me. I’d much rather grab a weapon or a Lady Deathwhipser, because while you can discover Sindragosa, it’s usually not an option that is going to help you win the match.

If you don’t have a board by turn 6 with removal in hand, and you watch them spend 6 corpses on vamp blood, that’s not the dks fault. That’s 1 hero power a turn for 6 turns. Maybe a 2/3 drop in between.

That dk would be in terrible shape and couldn’t board clear till turn 8 at the soonest.

So you think players are just pressing end turn without building a board? I mean if that’s what you mean than sure. However, minions before turn 6 don’t have much health, and Blood Dk’s have a lot of removal they can use to remove your board and still gain plenty of corses and health in the process.

Body Begger is a 1 drop gives the DK a corpse. Heart strike which is a 1 cost does 3 dmg to a minion and you guessed it, gives a corpse. They also have obliterate which is a 2 cost spell, and while it does not provide a corpse, it does removes any minion from the board regardless of how beefy it might be. Then you have Asphyxiate a 3 cost that destroys the highest dmg minion from the board.

So your argument of not building a board by turn 6 is only valid if the person the Dk is playing against is to busy watching TMZ, dropped their glasses in baby vomit, forgot how to play a card, etc… thus failing to play a minion and simply pressing end turn. Granted there will be times when ones card draw is only pulling spells for the first few turns, which is annoying, but does happen at times, but very rarely.

Blood Death Knights have a lot of from hand tools to increase corpses and clear an opponents board from turn 1. If they have the cards in hand, which very often do, they will play them, otherwise they simply discover them from low cost minions. This cost of the minions also allows them to play the discovered spells along side the minion used to discover the spell. This is not me complaining this is fact, this is what happens in the matches and I am pretty sure the class nerf that is going to be hitting DK’s tomorrow will most likely impact Blood Dk the most.

I don’t play Blood DK, however, I do hope that they won’t gut the class. Because like I’ve said in previsouly on this forum, I appreciate and respect that some players enjoy control decks over aggro. It’s never fun when that class a person plays gets gutted. So we shall see what changes they have in store for us.

The nerf they went with is so stupid. They needed to just nerf Frostwyrms fury and Corpse Explosion…

Okay - you don’t like DK as a class and wish it to be unplayable in the 2 expansion of the class existence

it was waaaay better than everthing that was suggested on the OP