Death Knight bs

The deathknight deathrattle full board clear is absolutely absurd. I thought the idea was to make board clears require more effort on the part of plays not a cheap spell on your hero power minion and poof. The nerf to this card was laughable. Please align the power curve of this card to other board clear cards cos this aint it.

It is in the same space as warlock’s spell Defile, they both have their pros/cons and the card isn’t “Broken”. Might be a little pushed but it also requires 1 blood so there is a minor restriction on it as well

Need 2Unholy to be full plague (a couple at single)
Need 1Frost to be excavate
Need 1Blood for hand buff and threads
Need 2 Blood for the other board clears

I wouldn’t mind threads needing 2blood as it is a control card and it would distinctify that control decks need 2 blood runes

Oh PLEASE, look at Warrior, Mage, Cleric, etc – this game is all about massive board clears and nothing else.

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Defile requires way more thinking to fully clear a board and often the health doesnt perfectly line up for you.

Shaman board clears will overload you. Cleric board clears are ‘do 2 damage’. Mage only JUST got a good board clear and its still only randomly deal 6 damage.

Other classes like warrior have had their board clears heavily nerfed, but this DK just wipes out everything instantly in combination with the hero power and the nerf did literally nothing to slow it down.

Feels like it should need to cost 1 more mana at least.

“I didnt know to hold back some cards in case of Removal A B or C”

“now that my board got disposed of Im mad and say DK needs changed”