Death Knight bots are back

Sat morning, been playing for about 2 hours now, and about 90% of the games I’ve played are Death Knights with names like JadeLion or BlueWhale. Usually a color and an animal combination written by someone with OCD who can’t help but capitalize each noun.

Will something get done to fix it, probably not for a very long time, but at lest I’ve reported it.

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Unfortunately those are examples of blizzards bots they put into their own game. Yes; its an online game where you can fight an algorithm now instead of another person. Yay?

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Soon there won’t be people playing this TCG and it’s best to get used to playing against BOT, as they will take up those spots! Get used to it from an early age! Stop complaining!

I didn’t know BlizzBots had Chinese characters in their tags. Or reaallly dumb mixtures of letters like “Dassdadsdadsda”. BlizzBots were, Orr so I thought, tags like “AquaEagle” or “DeadPants”.

Sounds like easy work then.

You wouldn’t be losing to said bots right

Because if you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t be facing them.

I’ve just been automatically leaving when i load into a DK game, it isnt worth the time sync

What? :neutral_face:

Unfortunately, they never went anywhere. All that “we’re dealing with bots” talk was just that: talk. Especially when actiblizz flooded the game with their own bots to try and cover for how many players they have driven away from the game.

Tell that to the diamond and legend players facing bots.

The examples he gave are good indicators:

I encountered someone with a variation of a whale/color variation earlier, and noticed the shift away from “sdjfasdkljfaha” (keyboard smashing) type names.

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Yep. This is the list of bots I’ve encountered:

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Yeah, I felt like something was off. played against someone playing murloc tidehunter at diamond rank.

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Those are usually Blizzard bots… they always seem to have some type of anmimal in their name like Sleepyorc, sleepyhowl, Mightyowl, mightyorc names like that. They have the same decks but what else are they to do when they don’t have real players to pit you against.

Tbh one of the better parts of playing against official blizzard bots and bots in general is that they are generally free wins (unless you get super unlucky or have weird deck). Seeing as I’m still working on wins portraits, there’s a bit of silver lining I guess.