Dalaran Heist - Shifting Scroll bug

HI there.

Was just playing a quick single player and ran into a “BUG”, maybe with the shifting scroll.

I used a shifting scroll which changed to Explosive Runes secret.

After “Kazamon Steelskin” played Dread Infernal (it’s battle cry was triggered) and so did my Secret - Dread was dead and the shifting scroll card hovered on the screen and the game “froze”. No actions could be taken, concede didn’t work so I had to quit the game all together.

I did a screen grab - where can I post / send it to for a closer look?

Best regards.


Chameleos and Shifting Scroll freezing with secrets has been reported multiple times and Blizzard is aware.

Try to restart immediately.

Ensure to search first before posting to reduce duplicate issue threads.