Daily Quests Unchanged?

Hi. I logged in and see I have a daily quest to play 3 games as certain classes. This used to be fine, but I feel like unless they triple it to 9 games, I won’t stay logged into Hearthstone for too long. Can you please triple the daily quests as well? Rewards can stay the same, it’s about helping out the players. Thank you

Actually I rerolled it to cast 25 spells daily quest. But this is far too little. Once again, casting 75 spells for a daily seems about right, otherwise I won’t play Hearthstone as much, thank you

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I too love casting spells, spells are fun sooo fun!

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Exactly. 25 spells are simply far too few for a daily quest. I believe they must have missed changing these as they got lost in the shuffle of improving the weekly quests.