Customer Service threatens me

Costumer service told me that it is my problem and they are gonna do nothing. Then told me that if i insist they gonna ban me. I already lost all my content so i send another message. Later i’ll edit the post and add a link with a thread in X with the captures of the conversation(in spanish)Previous bug reported


I don’t recall the appropriate agency atm, but threatening someone online is a felony in the united states. Crossing state/country lines and all that. Worth checking into, and filing a report with the relevant details, name(s) of the parties involved and so on.

Naturally, company employees in a company so used to abusing others will naturally harass and threaten others rather than do their job.

And I’m sure before long the usual crowd will be along for some coc violating trolling, which the same employees will also ignore, because frat boy culture here gets encouraged and rewarded.

All i can do for now is complain in forums and social media. I’ll check if i could do something more in a future.
I did the thread in X as i said yesterday if any one wants to check it or diffuse it (caranifer in X, i can’t post links now here, i don’t now why)

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I tried to find your thread but didn’t find it
You can post links with preformated text (right to the quote option)

Not sure what type of customer service you are looking for but blizzard doesn’t do refunds for hearthstone content. You could charge back but then your account will be locked out.

They did threaten me also in a ticket…prolly some big boss that now is eating from the garbage after the layouts told me that if I keep on opening the ticket I had they will take severe actions…

Needles to say I crap in their sever actions and serve them to them for breakfast but, I took it to myself to do the right thing and I filed an official report…

It is still being analyzed and judged, seems Blizzard has a lot on the plate anyway and they can barely keep up with lawsuits.

Probably in my country it will take yeas for the report to actually be internationally investigated and Blizzard sued, but I have the time and the patience :)…

They did a great job into deleting the evidence from my account but they didn’t took into consideration that the moment that answer came into my resolved tickets I printed it and now it’s on the record file :)…

I don’t know what name is “Marrekwethir” but he will be fired sooner than later :))))))…Also I am not the first this dude abused via responses on tickets and those will be analyzed in my case as well.

To be honest I am bored of just getting banned on the forums they own and mediate, so I am mutilating Blizzard every were I can, were they cannot silence or put a fist in my mouth…Also, everything they, say do or abusively do is archived by me, because my lawyer told me so, so I can win easily against them :).

Every cent that I will get from Blizzard, every idea I will put in someone’s head, and any customer they will lose via my site’s and my marketing against them, means that another developer from Blizzard will have to find a new way of living soon…

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