Current state of the game

Only if you live long enough, and you won’t.

They are made to work faster and less greedy than most “late game” players want.

If they truly want it to be a midrange thing, I agree. It should shuffle into opponent decks like plagues and it should cancel reno effects… but I doubt we get that back.

So I play lots of different things, but the easiest games are against people who don’t plan to play the first several turns. They pass, they draw, they hero power, but they aren’t immediately contesting the board or starting towards trying to win the game. When players do this, it’s too easy to “nuke them in turn 6 or 7” because they’re already too behind to catch up.

When you play against someone also trying to win the game, it becomes much more complicated as you have to respect their threats, pick your spots for chip damage, manage your hand, and … play hearthstone.

It isn’t so much what they are doing as much as what many people who loved old control decks are not doing to adapt to the current game.

I have lots of these… while playing many of the decks you decry.