Cult Neophyte; Learn to design proper mechanics

No, this is a situation where the OP clearly needs to learn to play better.


Priest took over in top 1k legend actually and I cut Neophytes immediately from my buff warrior list, cant justify them anymore… So it actually did happen and combodecks decline in playrate in top legend, so neophytes+watchposts is too much and I run watchposts only now… Not really relevant for the remaining days before patch, but still it just shows what I said earlier, tech cards kind of balance the game naturally and are only good and played in certain situations, but often cant be justified in your deck after meta settled.


Then the battlecry mechanic needs to be reworked. The minion should have to stay in the board for the effect to keep. Playing it and killing it yourself, then reviving it and playing it again next turn is ridiculous.

So you play the minion, get the battlecry. Then later if the minion is killed, the battlecry…is…revoked, somehow?

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That was the perfect comeback. That’s why it took two months. This is over - I declare Phen the winner by way of total pownage.

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Shudderwock would crash the game more than it ever did :rofl:


The only problem with Cult Neohyte I have experienced myself is:

It should not be able to effect “Coin”, because it will reduce the second player greatly.

Again, the coin design is just bad.

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You do realize that Battlecry is a “comes into play” mechanic, not a “while this is in play” one, right? We already have cards that only influence the game while they are in play.

Battlecry is not only working as intended, but as expected. It’s been that way since day 1.

Trust me when I say that the way you suggest it should work is not only incorrect, but would make cards like Neophyte even worse to play against.

The clone wars with cards like that would get insane.


Not only should it not effect Coin, but Coin itself should not count as a spell.

Coin as is works great. Going second has about a 50% win rate. Most =, if not all, card games struggle to reach that point because initiative is so powerful. Any change regardless of direction would upset a delicate balance.

I love that “I lost to some specific game mechanic/card” to some people means “that game mechanic/card needs a nerf.”


This card should be nerfed to cost 3-mana. It has stats and an exceptionally powerful effect that essentially hard-counters an entire class (Mage) that, in order to be competitive, is required to run only spells.

It’s not the function of Coin that I want to see changed. It’s the way it is counted by other game mechanics. It should not count as a spell for things like the Spellburst mechanic (i.e. Pen Flinger, Intrepid Initiate, etc) is all I care about.

As for win%, I’m 57% with and 83% without.

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That would be a nerf to the coin.

I have been saying this for years. The coin should not be considered a spell. It does not even have the ‘spell’ label.

Uh, what are you talking about? A search on “spell” in My Collection turns up all my Coins perfectly fine. What “spell label” does the Coin not have?

What else would it be but a spell? It is literally an Innervate that doesn’t have the “Nature” school.