CreatedbyStone and RNG nonsense

Title says it all, I can’t remember the last game I lost or won where my on board decisions mattered. Every single game comes down to who discovers the better cards, it is so toxic


Yup. This game is infuriating 100% of the time now. No skill, absolute luck. Deck building literally doesn’t matter anymore because of steal cards, discover and reno. This game is literally trash.

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It’s got to stage I just alt f4 the game now when the clown fiesta RNG happens and give up on it for the day. It literally is a coin flip simulator at this point.

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I had someone add me today after I lost, then send me a message telling me “you got pooped on kid” then deleted me from their bnet before I could even respond. So on top of the RNG fest it’s full of the worst types of people.

I played 2 games and the RNG from those games was enough to call it quits for the day. The RNG is unbearable, Hearthstone never used to have the sheer volume of card generation we have now.

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