Create an option to auto-Squelch every game

I am a relative newcomer to Hearthstone.

While there are definitely some people who use emotes sparingly and in a respectful manner, (such as to say “well played” just before the end of the match even if they lost,) about 19/20 of the people you meet will do stuff like spam “thanks” 40 times after you make a mistake. It gets REALLY old REALLY fast.

My friend who taught me to Hearthstone recommends hitting Squelch right at the start of every match. It’s what he does. The few times I forgot to do this, I usually regretted it.

If most people already hit Squelch first thing each and every match, it would be advantageous to simply let people toggle an option and that squelches each and every game at the start of the game. There will be less toxicity in the game and we could instead concentrate fully on the cards.


When someone does this to me, I squelch them & then rope every turn, never conceding.

And when I win anyway, it is very sweet & I get a ton of XP.

but, taunts are a ploy to make you so mad you buy more cards to win.

did you try changing the sound settings? you can mute dialogues youll still see the speech balloons if you dont squelch but wont hear the voicelines

Auto squelch does exist and has existed for a very long time on hsreplay decltracker. You just need to download the addon for it

This violates the TOS, regarding automation, which is why Firestone doesn’t have it.

I miss the “Sorry” emote. It was designed for antagonizing weak, emotionally fragile people who still think the internet is real life…

Psychological manipulation has been part of card games forever.

I use threaten and wow, and that’s about it. “The elements will destroy you!”

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And bullying has been illegal in the West since the 2010s.

Do you literally realize how long it took them to put an option in the setting to turn of that G D annoying background chatter. Since the first day I loaded the game in the begging it made me want to rip my ears off ! Took them this long to add that option.

Bullying isn’t illegal. Anywhere… There are things in place to say you can’t tell someone to go stick his head in an oven, for example, but I suspect that you don’t actually know anything about legislation or implementation/enforcement thereof. Physical bullying is only “illegal” because assault is already illegal.

A dearth of bullying has made it so that adults are a bunch of fragile wusses, too.

If anything, we need more bullying. Preferably in ways where it’s extremely limited in scope and content… Like in an online card game.

Anyone who feels bullied by hearthstone emotes should log off and go do something else. You’re probably tilted and playing like trash anyhow.

Autosquelch is a fine idea, but I preemptively deem anyone who uses it because he can’t control his emotional state to be a giant, pink tangerine, from now until the heat death of the universe.


It’s ethically bankrupt for more than an decade. And if you promote bullying, you’re not going anywhere.

You specifically said “illegal”. And it very much isn’t.

I can even make an ethical case for it, though an autosquelch thread isn’t really the place for that.

Go look it up. Bullying and overcoming bullying are an important part of childhood development. Kids who skip it because some well-intentioned meddler puts them in a bubble will temd to turn out weak and weird, and end up getting bullied as adults.

Hearthstone is an extremely safe platform to work on your emotional fortitude.

That’s alt-right nonsense streamer grifters say. Modern psychoanalysis never promotes bullying.

They promote positive reinforcement.

Why would you trim off “development”? Quote people properly…

The psychoanalists you appear to favor are also grifters. They have a product to sell. (Their time, books, education curricula and manuals, etc.) Why would you listen to them uncritically?

Go look at the natural world instead. While animal expressions of psychological bullying are more subtle, you can still see them expressed in their interactions.

Attempts to supplant or replace nature are foolish and often damaging.

Positive reinforcement doesn’t work on a societal level because it isn’t universally effective. You need positive and negative, reinforcement and punishment.

If you want to argue with people about this, go to reddit or twitter…

The point is that Hearthstone emotes (including “Sorry”) are fine, no matter how they are used/abused. I support the giant, pink tangerines’ call for autosquelching so that they never need to deal with their neuroticism and emotional instability ever again. Ditto for normal people who just think the emotes are annoying.

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No, bullying children is not accepted in modern psychoanalysis or any evidence-based psychological or educational framework. Contemporary child psychology emphasizes positive reinforcement, empathy, and supportive communication to foster healthy development. Bullying, whether by adults or peers, is considered harmful and can lead to long-term psychological and emotional issues.

Here are key points and sources to support this position:

  1. Psychological Harm from Bullying: Research consistently shows that bullying, including by authority figures, can result in anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even trauma in children. The American Psychological Association (APA) states that children subjected to bullying are at greater risk for both immediate and long-term negative outcomes.

  2. Positive Reinforcement as a Core Principle:
    Modern psychoanalytic approaches and behavioral frameworks, like those inspired by B.F. Skinner, emphasize the use of positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors while reducing undesirable ones. Techniques involving praise and rewards have been shown to be effective in nurturing confidence and intrinsic motivation.

  3. Trauma-Informed Practices:
    Modern psychology integrates trauma-informed approaches, understanding that negative, punitive interactions can compound stress and harm a child’s development. Professionals are advised to use compassionate and constructive methods to guide behavior.

  4. Professional Guidelines:
    The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advocates for guidance based on respect and understanding, not punitive measures or aggression. Similarly, the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) highlights the importance of fostering a safe, supportive environment for children.


  • American Psychological Association (APA). “Bullying and School Climate.”
  • Skinner, B. F. (1953). Science and Human Behavior.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. “Effective Discipline to Raise Healthy Children.”
  • National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). “Safe and Supportive Schools.”

Would you like further references or deeper exploration of specific strategies for child development?

Again with the deceptive quoting… You’re academically dishonest, so it isn’t surprising that you fall into the trap of selecting an outcome that feels nice to you and clinging desperately to it to the point of refusing to understand opposing points.

The argument is not that bullying is morally good, or that it doesn’t harm victims. The point is that it is adaptive, and that no matter how much social engineering you try, you are never going to eliminate it. The underlying reason is that, like pretty much all people of the dogmatically leftist persuasion, you fail to understand or accept human nature, and think that with just a little more harassment and societal restrictions you’ll be able to bring about your utopia.

(There are lots of studies and articles on the topic, though you’d need to do some digging, as search engine algorithms are designed to agree with interventionalist positions.)

It needs to be structured, monitored and educated around, not subjected to an impossible and wasteful campaign to stomp it out.

Or you can just continue to misquote and misrepresent others’ positions (as a bully might?) on the internet… You do you.

Back on topic, buddy. Do you like autosquelching or not?

As I said the alt-right/neonazi streamers who taught you that bulling children is good, have no basis on science.

Feel free to reference the Papers which support that bullying children is good.

Let me guess: science is also bad now.

That would defy rationality itself.

Serves me right for bringing a brain to a pudding fight…

I have not once said that bullying is good. Learn to read, and then try to understand.

I said that it’s adaptive and unavoidable, and that eliminating the stimulus in childhood just makes sure that you don’t have the tools to deal with it properly in adulthood. You’re manufacturing victims. Dummies who agree with each other all day and high five their descendants right out of the gene pool don’t deserve the respect you’re so desperate to offer them.

You could very easily googled this yourself, but you choose not to because you are ideologically possessed…

Brock University - Is Adolescent Bullying an Evolutionary Adaptation?
Conclusion - Yeah, most likely.
There are lots more of these.

Again, you not liking something doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Time to grow up. “Bullying” people with emotes in hearthstone is perfectly fine, if that’s how you get your rocks off. Muting people because you don’t like it or can’t handle it is also fine. It’s a morally neutral situation, since everyone is in complete control of his own app settings.

NOTE: Sorry to the OP for this getting way off topic. Someone needs to call Carny on his nonsense from time to time.

As I said the twisting of darwinian ideas by the alt-right should stay with the eugenics dictators of the mid-20th century where it belongs.

Nobody told you that converting an adolescent into yet another bully is not explained by an adaptation: you’re told it’s not good to do it.

Positive reinforcement can give you the tools to even become a warrior but apparently the high intelligence you brought can’t grasp it.

Welp… As the old saying goes, I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you…

Fun fact double-tap: The “alt-right” isn’t a real thing, and you guys are in a cult. The alt-right and your “neonazis” are just the label you have applied to your heretics…

You don’t “convert” someone into a bully, you don’t even need to encourage it. It’s just something that happens in a real system where there are power imbalances (even when you actively discourage it). That article I suggested talks about why, but I won’t ruin it for you.

Let’s run an experiment. From now on, whenever you repeat some piece of pseudoscientific, dogmatic drivel in this thread, trying to pass it off as undisputed fact, I will bully you. Then you try to positively reinforce me out of doing so.

Then when the mods give my ban, you can appeal to tell them they’re doing it wrong. XD

I’ll start: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

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