Corpse Design; What Were You Thinking?

You need to make it based on ONLY undead-nonhero power minions or scrap the whole concept.

Horrible design.

Why is it so horrible?

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This guy hates everything. I wouldn’t give him much attention.


He hates the fact that other classes that copy or discover DK cards can use corpse effects.

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Hard disagree.

20 characters

Actually I hate smth about this aswell, if I ever play smth that’s not DK and I get to discover a DK card, I want to know my corpse count before choosing the card
Because afaik it’s not visible until you get a DK card in your hand

I think they did a really good job with DK. Why do you feel the corpse design was horrible?

Dear Blizzard,

Rock is OP. Please nerf Rock. Paper is ok.
