The core set rotation is fine and good for standard and all but, as a F2P wild player, it really sucks to open my collection and see some my decks are no longer able to be played. I essentially am forced to cough up my hard earned dust to continue to play decks I have been playing for a year. It’s just an all around feels bad moment. This is especially upsetting when it comes to golden cards earned through the class progression system. That bit of bling was fun and good, and I definitely can’t justify re-crafting those, as putting back together the core set cards I lost is already setting me back quite a bit.
Not sure how to feel about this, or what to do. Just kind of bummed.
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Sometimes when the core set changes itll mess with any decks you made.
You might just have to find the “core set” cards that rotated in your collection, from the expansion they’re actually from, and just re-add them to the affected decks.
Hopefully thats the case and if not…crafting cards you might be playing 20 years from now is hardly a bad investment.
Since when did the basic class cards have a rotation schedule?
the cards that rotated that i had to craft: Noxious Cadaver and Plagued Grain for Death Knight, (not particularly good cards but still) and neutral cards Malygos the Spellweaver, Deathwing the Destroyer and Onyxia the Broodmother.
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For me specifically, I lost my Golden Lesser Emerald Spellstones.
This is why you shouldn’t dust cards you’re still playing just because core set gives you the same cards for free. Alternatively it might just be that you still have the other versions of those cards. Blizzard deckbuilder is finicky sometimes: if you obtain new instances of cards you already have (gold cards, core cards, etc) and then lose them, it’ll swap them into your decks and not swap back, rendering the decks illegal until you manually fix them.
Thats not too bad then. Just some drip.
I never even considered playing with golden cards for the majority of my time with hearthstone. Those were always food for the dust chipper.
Its only recently i started progress on making my Shaman collection golden. Than again i dont dust anything until it gets nerfed or rotates into wild, and even then ill keep extras of things i think may see nerfs. Doing that for years has given me a stockpile of over 30K dust. Maybe something to keep in mind
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