Cool, not only is blizzard not fixing animations or the rope, they are banning people whom play snip snap warlock

And they werent acted on because they do no harm. Using a script to automate your play in the fashion some are does harm.

Your opinion doesnt matter. What matters is Blizzards opinion and what they have said. Not ONCE have the said “bot away guys, its all cool”. They have said deck trackers are fine, a LONG time ago, making your argument moot.

Unless, OFC, you can show me them stating that botting is fine, in which case I will happily redact my comment. If you cant see the difference between the two, then you really are being obtuse.


If only what Blizzard says matters, why are you even posting in this thread? Of course my opinion matters. If everyone would think like me Blizzard would be FORCED to allow that hack. So far I can summarize your argument as rules are rules, which is clearly a weak one, as rules can be arbitrarily changed.

What harm? And we DO need to stay with the specific case of playing more sn1psn4ps for that. Scripting in general is a different discussion.

I’ve got to agree with Bowser here, and with Blizzards decision.

The functions of a deck tracker can be fulfilled by using a pencil and paper (yes you do need to be well prepared, but it is achievable), bots that increase APM provide a function that is beyond players without the script, it’s a clear advantage and Blizzard are right to ban it.

Whether people deserve to be permabanned for such offences is another matter, but it should be pretty obvious that using third party scripts that affect gameplay could get you in hot water and I wouldn’t use them for that reason alone if they hadn’t been specifically allowed by Blizzard (particularly if I’d invested $1000s into my account!!?).

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Exactly, if everyone thought like you they would allow people to CHEAT! Thankfully, they have a bit (arguably not much) grey matter between their ears and can see the difference between a cheater, and what should have been a baseline inclusion in the game.

Playing more cards in a turn than is humanly possible is the harm.

No, its what this discussion IS! People botting. Those guilty should be hit hard. Running a deck tracker gives me minimal advantage over my opponent, being able to play more cards in a turn than humanly possible give me a HUGE advantage over my opponent.

Again, if you cant see the difference then you are being obtuse. I think you are smart enough to see the difference between deck trackers and botting, at least your post history indicates you are. Defending the indefensible is a job for lawyers, not players of a childrens card game.


I do think permas is a bit harsh for a first offence, but its gotta be hard enough to make an impact imo. I’d be goin a month suspension for a FIRST offence, with a 3 strikes and youre out policy.

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I think this is where we disagree. I just can’t see how playing more Sn1pSn4ps is more of an advantage than having a deck tracker. The latter only gives advantages in very rare scenarios, whereas decktracker improves the player’s performance always all the time. I can’t remember any time an APM bot would have helped me.

I would go as far and say, if APM increase was included in decktracker, no one would care. The difference between the two is just that people have learned to accept the latter.

In that case you would be okay with a bot, who is capped at a certain APM limit which would be theoretically possible for a person?

I can’t hear the pen and paper argument any more. It might have been true in the beginning, but right now it doesn’t apply at all with all the added functionality. Are you seriously telling me you are faster in writing down information than I can hover with my mouse? And that error free? The real argument why it is allowed is because Blizzard said so. And they said so because they think that will get them more money in the end, i.e. keep their player base happy.

I have to say I kind of see both sides of the discussion here. I do wonder what the difference is between playing 20 snipsnaps, for example - or playing 80. Either way it is overkill, barring some very niche situations.

That being said, snipsnap decks are surely only one way to abuse an APM bot, I can imagine there more ways (or would be in the future) that would lead to a much more unfair advantage.

My real question is why on earth would anybody risk their account to play more snipsnaps though!? They’re going to win or lose with that deck regardless of their APM, right…? Seems crazy to me.


The echo animation takes a while, so it’s difficult enough to get 30 damage out of the snip snap combo, and it gets even worse with armour. Not to mention with a little bit of planning Before hand to make sure you’ve got all taunts gone and whatever, and it gets really hard to push a 30 damage minimum.

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Ahhh alright that makes sense. To be honest I’ve only lost against it once, so I’m hardly experienced.

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i doubt theyll legalize changing files(on reddit they said they do it by changing a dll file to skip animations)

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Who owns the code? If a bug exists and Blizzard refuses to fix it, it’s wrong to punish anyone benefiting from it imo as long as they’re not hacking the code or something. Makes me feel good to keep my money in my pocket I’ll tell you that.

I would much rather have SN1P-SN4P changed than Mechwarper.
Nerfing Mechwarper would be a heavy blow not just to the APM combo, but the Mech tribe as a whole as well. How about we remove the eco and cap it at 3-5 for instance?

This cheating animation thing is rampant right now. Lost to this bs the other day where the guy played 50 snip snaps which is impossible to do with regular animation.

A few matches later I faced another person doing it but I actually managed to win by keeping his stuff frozen by some miracle and the loser had the nerve to WOW me like how dare I interrupt and find a way to win even though he cheated.


cant they autoban anyone who changed the dll files ? im pretty sure they have the means to do this

Yet it’s correct.

Those that preach the loudest are the guiltiest. Even from how the guy composed himself on Reddit, I was smelling a rat. Such a long screed for trying to throw heat off of him. He doesn’t even have any proof he wasn’t sent any warning or reason why he was banned - no screenshots, no email, no nothing, especially since what he is accused of would definitely be given proof from Blizzard.

For anyone not in the know, the guy was using a third party program that cancels animations in the Hearthstone client. This in term has helped Snip-Snap Warlock become a Tier 1 deck in Wild, where the player buffs a Mechwarper with a zero cost Snip Snap upwards to about 100-125 times.

You might not be happy with old cards being banned/nerfed in any kind of card game, but that’s the nature of any card game. It happens all the time.

The use of decktrackers was even explicitly allowed in tournaments. Both casters and streamers said it was because Blizzard can’t check for the use of it and they don’t want the honest people at a disadvantage.
So obviously decktrackers are seen by Blizzard as an advantage. And you can’t deny that you do have an advantage when you don’t need to physically write down what happened.
Still does not make a deck tracker do more than a paper and pencil, only faster.

Also I imagine streamers played a part in the original decision to allow them because they make it easier for viewers to follow the games. And those streamers make Blizzard a lot of money (ads in tournament broadcasts, besides free promotion of their game)

Bots also only play the game like you do, they just don’t get tired.

The statement as it is is ‘if you can do it with a pencil and paper it’s fine’
Can you play hearthstone with a pencil and paper?

You can’t. That’s why playing hearthstone is illegal as well… . I see


Why not.

6 more c