Convince me plz

Im looking for any reason to keep this game but between the endless updates that have not benefitted game ( have if fact drained the fun) combined with the ppl the just time out the buzzer this has become a waiting game… i didn’t sign up for a pay to win waiting game. Plz give me a reason to not Uninstal. Based on the same names i always face im estimating the real total population of game rests around 5k to 20k ppl total

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That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever read on here.

If he talks about the ladder, he is probably right because a lot of people play bg and if you remove bg, there are more people left in this game :poop: .

Mountain…go ahead keep trolling… i notice most of ur posts are just trolling others.
Let me break it down like a fraction for u, the gigs this gam needs ( and ever increasing) to function isnt worrh keeping it around… i honestly don’t care if i lose a few grand worth of dust / cards or the 10s of thousands of wins iv racked up. Still not sure y u would consider it stupid to Uninstall… odds are 1000 to 1 the devs will ever change their thought processes ( basically how can i force more ppl into situations that make that more likely to purchase in order to stay relevant…)

I need to face ppl whos names n strategies i have Not memorized yet and more updates with mor cards nd more skins is not the answer. Only other logical step is new game… new devs

If you don’t enjoy the game stop playing. Why should other people try to change your mind.


You picked the wrong place to ask to be convinced to keep playing. People here have amassed far more reasons to stop playing than to continue. Best course of action is to move on to a better dccg, of which there are several.

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Yes, well said… if you are not enjoying the game, stop playing. If you do… then figure out what is wrong with your deck, tactic… and fix it.

This was a troll post.

You are the one who’s trolling …

Why would I want to convince you when this post is !00% click bait. You either like the game or you don’t. You shouldn’t have to depend on someone else to tell you why you should play this game or not, take responsibility for your own decisions.


Thanks for the constructive comments…and thanks even to the trolling pricks( u know who u r ).
Not a single good readon to keep this game was given, ill thankfully go spend my money on the new BLOONS TOWER DEFENCE 6 game, its pretty new n i had a soft spot for some of these in the past. Check it out, there is single multi and coop styles, 100s of new things from the older versions

Well what do you want…people who are still playing the game are trying themselves to find reasons to keep on playing. This reasons range from “I don’t play ranked” to the old lie “I enjoy the game” … Nobody enjoys this waste of time infuriating single player movie.

I’ll still try though.

1 reason to play is that you like seeing endless animations casts by a card let’s say Romath right now that could kill you, might kill you, will probably kill next time is played if not the first time and re-casts endless waves of skeleton blow up and generation of cards and random spells cast all over the 40 minutes game from a card that keeps going into the mages hand…You can watch that movie for free from home and it saves you netflix.

1 reason to play is that the games are so fast that if you play what the 90% majority of the community plays you can probably play 35 games and get 15 levels while buying a croissant at the market…

1 reason to play is that this game is determined on mulligan. Hardly any games are won with a bad mulligan, so if you like statistics just concede at mulligan or try it yourself for science and see the result…

1 more reason to play this game is because let’s face it, there is no single company out there who can promote a dumpster on fire, make millions out of it and call it an ever improved game. O wait those Korean companies already do that, but we can all agree that those companies have bad reputation to begging with but do the same as blizzard.

Another reason to play is because you are simply tired of reality and freedom…Hearthstone it’s an easy way to get so mad that you can probably punch 2 people out into the way to work and get into the looney bin…There are other ways to get there but hearthstone might get you faster to the point that even you will be convinced that you belong there.

So yea, plenty of reasons to lie that you enjoy the game, still salute your sanity and keep on playing…Do what the other people do, take your favorite sanax medicine , fire out HS repeating in your mind “i like this game, my problems are not from this game, I used to be like this before” win the 3-4-5 games or whatever the count is until the game starts giving you cr@p rng so that you lose and call it a nice day :slight_smile:

I flagged this as inappropriate trolling.

You are probably not far off. The player base is much smaller than it used to be.

The new player experience is one of meeting an increasingly hardened player core, who are unfriendly, entrenched in their views, and rarely changing play patterns.

I suspect you’ve already made that decision. You’ve decided to quit and this is just another “I quit” post. Alternatively, you aren’t quitting and this is simply a whine post. I suspect, as with the majority of these sorts of posts, it’s the latter.

Personally, I’m enjoying the game. In my earlier years of playing, I always purchased a pre-order package as well as the paid adventures and mini-sets. As a result, I’ve amassed a healthy dust reserve which, along with gold earned from play and quests, allows me to earned enough packs and craft cards to make a number of interesting decks. I haven’t paid for this game for a few years now. And I’m enjoying it as much as ever. I don’t take my ladder climb seriously and I don’t mind playing low-WR meme decks if they appeal to me.

I have a few minor criticisms, but they aren’t related to gameplay. The card descriptions for signature cards gets cut off on mobile devices when tapping the card, making it difficult to know what the card does. The screen goes all blurry after some matches forcing you to go back to the home screen to clear it up. And one major criticism, the continued absence of the squelch toggle so we don’t have to activate squelch every single match (and sometimes multiple times per match, since it falls off on it’s own too often when playing on a mobile device). None of this is leading me to consider quitting.

How about meet in the middle and take a break. You don’t have to worry about losing anything (Same thing if you were to quit), but it’s not necessarily a commitment to be “done”. Give yourself some time and find a new game to play for the time being. LOTS of games out there. I’d stay off the forums for updates. Maybe watch a streamer when a new anything comes out to see if the game is back where you enjoyed playing it.

Either way, I wouldn’t hold on to hope unless something big happens with the company. All their IPs appear to be driven into the dirt over the last few years. OW2 took a huge L recently and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s gone after a few years (I’m giving it more benefit of the doubt than I probably should). HS is no different. The devs are not the same and their selling point is more and more power creep.

Just uninstall.

Give yourself a month or three to get rid of any cravings or urges to play the game. You shouldn’t be playing because of cravings or urges.

Then, when you don’t feel cravings or urges, see how you truly feel about the game in your heart. Do you miss the game? If you truly miss it, just reinstall it and come back. If not, don’t.

Quit or don’t. It’s an easy choice. Don’t be a drama queen about it.

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