Continuing "unstoppable" "perfect everything hands"

Probably best not to spend any real money on this sad farce of a scam “game”

Why spend when no combination of cards can do anything against perfect rng for my opponents where I just lose over and over cause I didnt kill them in the first 5 rounds…

togwaggle moronics… all in a flash in one round just lose…
play big doesnt matter save stuff to go around seeds doesnt matter no ratting out anything in time just lose

oh yogg needs to grab 3 out of 5 minions… np best ones 2? sure thing buddy every time npnpnp…

no reason to spend at the casinos where everyone is sickly
Same applies here clearly…

Why spend?

Absolute over the top TRASH af rng decides every game.
Build board…
garbage man plays discover… “save me blizzard” gets perfect card wins game…
rng decides? meh feeling… ask self why spend? why?

Build board, wiped wiped wiped, play 1 minion? Nattied. million taunts… okaaaaaaay kill some taunts… he goes immune decks gone minions immune haha so good haha…

Always removal into big TIMMIES great adventure haha … “haha”

warrio dummio needs warsong, whirlwinds both berserkers in 1st 5 cards does 10k damage turn 6? NOT A PROBLEM.
Why spend?
Insanity only.

Okay Sadist Lock masquerading as a masochist… clear all everything heal every round do 30 damage 1 round np… pre turn 10.

Try 50 billion variations of the cards I own. A lot of cards.
Doesnt matter lol GUFF5 GUFF5 GUFF5 GUFF5 die from infinite/togtimmy/immune lol? Why spend?

The defense? rng… try and scam and SCUM some kind of rng… dirt rats, mutinus… some scummy billion battlecry trash… BORING…

Why spend? lol
trying for weeks to FIND a reason to drop cash on your dumspter fire but cant… lol CANT.

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I recognize some of those words.

i think he lost his mind when he found out people spend money on a good game and have fun playing with it

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This is Eminem’s next disstrack that was just leaked, it flows pretty good.


Turn One Chillwind Yeti, Mom’s Spaghetti…


I demand this post, and future ones, to be read as an Eminem song from now on.

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obviously thousands of players complain about the same thing, that is a manipulated rng, and situations that mathematics can explain as impossible if not wanted on purpose, obviously some players say that such a post is absurd but believe me that there are so many of us who detect this manipulation and blizzard should give explanations, it would be nice if some former developer spilled the beans with a sensational leak

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I was a HUUUGE whale in the early days and it helped get the best cards for all classes. I gold’ed out EVERY hero, then the funky stuff started. I haven’t spent a penny on BLIZZARD since 2017

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