Constant Crashing In Battlegrounds

For months I’ve been experiencing consistent crashing in HS Battlegrounds - both duos and solos. I’ve tried every user recommended fix I could find, none appear to work.

I’ve reduced all settings to as low as possible, and if anything the issue got worse. My computer can run games much more demanding than this, and with little to no lag from my internet provider in multiplayer. I do not have any issues even remotely like this in any other game I’ve played. About ready to just drop Hearthstone for good over this.

I do not have this issue on my iPad, but since the recent patch (as recently as I’ve noticed) I have not even been able to reconnect to my games from a different device.

I have seen numerous other posts just like this go completely unanswered by Blizzard, and expect this one to as well - Just letting y’all know that I don’t care what you release anymore, the fact that this issue has existed for so many users and gone unresolved is atrocious. The game is unplayable; I am crashing most frequently on the transitions between combat and shop phases, but have also frequently disconnected right in the middle of my turns. This has cost me countless games and has honestly just ruined Battlegrounds for me. Blizzard, please stop ignoring this issue and just fix your game.

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I’m with ya. Its been an issue for at least a year. Only happens in BGs. Every other game mode is fine. Blizz doesn’t care to fix it. Sucks but is what it is at this point.

bump because I’ve been experiencing the same issue

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This has happended to me too now. Two games in a row. Not really crashed, but Nothing happenes after rope has timed out. it just “keep burning”

Non stop crashing at times, been bad for about a year but today it is hilariously bad. Only in battleground.

I had this issue for a really long time and tried everything I could.

I eventually found the way to fix it for me was to undo the Framerate change I did in the hearthstone options.txt file. I set it to 144 a few years back for BGS, and as soon as I set it back to the native 60, my game never crashed/disconnected again.

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