Update: My support ticket was “resolved”, and by that I mean they told me “Well WE can’t help you, go check the forums and see if the community can figure it out.”
What a joke.
When I try to link my account to Hearthstone by clicking “log in” on the app, I’m redirected to login on my web browser. Most of the time, the loading bar on the page fills instantly, and then nothing happens besides the battle net logo spinning indefinitely.
When it does “work”, it correctly identifies my account (I played HS a lot at launch, and still play Overwatch regularly). I verify that that’s the account I want to use, and am then prompted to “Switch Accounts” to continue playing. I do so, and am taken to my account page on battle net. There is no redirection back to the game, and returning to the game shows no change.
I’ve been troubleshooting for over 2 hours, looking at both official and unofficial fixes for this problem. I have tried so many combinations of the following:
- update and restart phone
- change battle net password
- clear HS cache
- clear HS data
- un/re-installing game
- using a different browser (I normally use Opera GX, and I tried whatever the samsung browser is)
- copying the link the game takes me to, and pasting it in a different window and/or browser that is already logged into battle net
- signing IN and signing UP using different methods, such as Google or Steam linked accounts
- using my account page to sign out of all devices
- using different in game prompts to sign up (such as going to packs, clicking on the free pack the requires an account, and clicking “sign up”
- maybe more methods I forgot about, I’ve tried so many
This seems to have been a problem for 2-3 years, maybe longer. I genuinely don’t understand how it hasn’t been fixed.