Congrats for the second worst meta ever on battlegrounds

Thanks for creating the second-worst meta in this game. The addition of Buddies was a mistake and is incredibly unfun. This hyper high roll meta is nonsensical.

Congratulations for granting mechs every single buff in the game, poison being the sole exception, so far. For assigning both terrible and excessively good quests that players can complete as quickly as in 2 turns, thereby ruining the lobby.

For distributing what the other players need. When one chooses a game without the Reno quest, a player can amass 15 triples by turn 12.

For the precarious state where, if you survive till turn 10, you are likely to be eliminated by turn 11.

For allowing the damage cap to be ineffective in situations with leavers. For the excess of heroes in this game.

For the poorly designed forum, that can’t even separate Hearthstone Standard from Battlegrounds.

Thanks for the poorly balanced bug comps that spoil the game.

Come on, I know you’re people, but stop ruining this game. Pirates are underwhelming, demons are worthless, mechs are overpowered.

Stop being complacent and strive to make this game engaging not just for the top 1% but for the other 99% as well

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Just played against u all triple 6 tavern minions turn 10… and ur complaining bro ur gonna get banned

Meta in battlegrounds mode? Is this thing exist? I have played BG only when event wanted but it seemd a full random mode with some minion types… this is not what I call a meta… these are just random minions with some effects…

Why are you responding to a post that was made almost a year ago?