Confused about Brann with Twinbow Terrorcoil

Was testing a deck against the innkeeper and noticed that when I played Brann followed by Twinbow (after already having cast a spell before to activate it) then casting Celestial Shot; The Twinbow only activated once - the first shot struck for (4 -pumped from spell damage) then the next struck for (6)…and then nothing.

Shouldn’t there have been two more shots fired since Brann “battlecries trigger twice” and Twinbow “battlecry: if you cast a spell while holding this. The next spell casts twice”?

Shouldn’t Celestial Shot hit for (4) then (6)(first cast) then hit for (8) then (12) (Twinbow’s ability again from Brann’s ability) or am I missing something? Is this a bug? Working as intended? I’m a bit confused lol

First battlecry makes spell cast twice and then Bran repeats it and makes spell cast twice. The result is that spell casts twice.

The effect is not cumulative so it does not matter how many times it is repeated.


Ohhhhh wait, wait … I think I get it now. The naga’s ability says IF I’ve cast a spell WHILE holding her, her ability activates. So the first time I cast her, she uses her ability - then Brann’s kicks in and because I didn’t cast a spell, her ability doesn’t activate the second time because I didn’t cast a spell nor was I holding her…… correct?

And thanks for responding and helping.

Not quite
The condition during the second battlecry is still valid
But the card doesn’t read “the next spell you play is cast an additional time”
It reads “the next spell you play is cast twice”
Repeating 10 times “the next spell casts twice” only makes it cast twice, not eleven times
It would need to repeat 10 times “the next spell is cast an additional time” to cast it eleven times


Ahh. I see. Thanks for responding and clearing things up :grin:

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