Confirm how the mulligan works?

Some of them are, yes.
Others are not.

I spend more time on the Bug Report forum then here. If you never have, then you will not believe the claims that are posted there. I have seen people claim that Genn or Baku failed … and when challenged to post their decklist they turned out to have included odd or even cards without realizing. I have seen people claim that their minions were spontaneously destroyed at the end of their turn, and then the history bar in the posted screenshot showed that Corruption had been cast by the opponent. And I remember one post claiming exactly what you claim above that upon further investigation turned out to have been the regular turn 1 draw.

I have learned that human observation can fail, for a variety of reasons. I do not trust human observation. I usualy play with an addon that records games to and when I see something weird happening, I always go back to the replay to double check what I saw - every time so far, it turns out that I had missed something.

Given that I have learned that people are bad observers, so much that I have even stopped trusting my own observations … why would I trust yours?

I am not a troll. (I’ll refrain from commenting on the “odd” part).
I simply have experienced enough reports from observation that turned out to be an observer error to not take anything by word alone.

Then don’t, no problem.
As long as you don’t mind that until I do see proof, I will continue to believe that mulligan’ed cards cannot be drawn back, and tell others that this is to the best of my knowledge the case.


If they were physical cards it’d be the same as putting back cards into your deck, shuffling the deck and drawing how many you put back. It’s up to RNG whether you get the same card back or not, more so if you put two copies in your deck.

That’s how I understand it anyway.

Not exactly. According to most sources (but see the discussion above), the better analogy is that it’s like putting the mulliganed cards aside, drawing replacement cards, and THEN shuffling the mulliganed cards back in the rest of the deck. So you are not able to get the same card back (but if you have two copies you can get the other copy).
You can get a mulliganed card back on the turn 1 draw, of course.


Unlike MTGA where the shuffling comes before drawng again.

I don’t have a video but I do have a replay.

https:// hsreplay. net/replay/FpaXkN9CNn3YPjRGtcoMdj

Pay up. I accept paypal, cash or an admission that you are wrong.

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You have two copies of Divine Spirit in your deck…

You mulligan one and got back the other. This isn’t a bug, or against the rules of the mulligan. If you had only one copy of Divine Spirit, then you would have something; but you get nothing for this.


An excellent example of how people dont understand the mulligan system and then incorrectly think they got the card they mulligan’d back.


they dont know the cards you mulligan return to your deck ???

i thought it was common knowledge !!!

They know that. The point of confusion is when the cards return to the deck. A lot of people think you can mulligan a card and get that same card back as a replacement, but from all I can find, they’re mistaken—the replacements are drawn before the mulliganed cards are shuffled into your deck.