Concede vs Warrior

Fix this deck. It’s broken. I don’t have to tell you what deck it is.


until the rotation im skipping any warrior. go ahead and get your fast legend warrior so i dont have to see you again.

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I currently play at D10 to 6 and most warriors are absolutely terribad. Though it helps a little that my deck spams a few legendaries towards the end.

But yeah they are pretty oppressive against certain decks and if they are played well (I guess most good ones are locked in D5 to 1 currently).

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Careful conceding, they’re banning people for it right now.

Even though it’s not against the tos.

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It’s not even a top tier deck and your complaining about it.

Doesn’t matter if it is a top deck or not… it is full of unfair mechanics and we are all know… They shouldn’t create such card like Brann for warrior until Astalor is in the game, and also a lot of battlecry minions with tons of armor generating… It was another mistake… not to mention TNT, excavate, Renethal, Reno, Yogy and too many board clear items. Only these are the problems with Warrior right now… not much really…

The reality is this… you’re not going to like every deck you go up against. You’re going to hate some more than others. For you, this is a deck that you may struggle with but in the bigger picture, it’s not a problem deck.

This is a highlander deck, there are cards that you can put into your deck to slow them down. it’s not a diffcult deck to beat.

I have to agree… but it’s just takes too much time. These matches go on and on, the armor goes on and on… It’s just so boring to play against. The sooner brann pops out the sooner you have a hard time of winning. The strategy is so clear it’s just hoping that the warrior draws bad cards and you top deck nicely. But overall it’s just a drag boring hearthstone game.

Warrior is top of the auto-concede list, to be sure

I came back after a 3/4 month break only for the 10th anniversary and it reminded me why i leaved in the first place: The games are not enjoyable, especially against the warrior.

I should add the new reno card is a plague that should never have been created.

I used to enjoy the game but once i finish the event, i will take another break again as the next expansion doesn’t interest me.

I hate them so much them I’m one of 10 people in both continents still playing sludgelock just to run them down and laugh at them

I pay a steep price for that, too, practically everyone else beats me