Concede if its a BOT

So i cant play right now because i’m 20 concedes deep in on i REFUSE to play a bot that i wait 40 seconds to even get matched up to.

It is getting stupid how many bots or ai you want me to play. I dont care how stupid your plays are. I dont care. Im not playing a machine. If i wanted that id play minesweeper.

Its not good gameplay to play a half stupid bot that will cast heal and buff spells on your minion. Or cast this or that after you play a combo card first. I dont care what your name is, what portriat background you have or what deck backing you have. I dont want to play a bot


make an aggro deck and win some games , you need to mmr up , only late you will stop finding bots …
If you concede things will not change

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I rather you rng the heck out of me and ai troll the crap out of me. But i honestly believe youll let me beat you twice as a bot only to let me lose to a crazy deck that has no business in my ranking. Real talk.

I dont want to get to any ranking becuase it was mostly bots. I didnt earn that. You played me to play you.

You will not face humans until you defeat the bots. Repeatedly conceding against them won’t reroll for a chance at a human. Blizzard has made their position very clear that they don’t care if you’d rather face humans, you’re facing bots anyway. Personally I’d recommend uninstalling, but you do you.


I started conceding against bots and decks I find boring to play against and I had to get my mmr low enough to NOT play against only bots. Pretty sad, the botting issue is out of control(at least in wild)

I hate the effing bots too. I can’t concede though, have to take the easy win and hope they go away at higher levels

Those kinds of bots are only in Ranked. You can play in Casual and of course you can try to find friends and play with them. Now if you want to play Ranked though… yeah, that sucks. You should have at least the option to not face bots.