COMPLETELY UNPLAYABLE - Insufferable animations!

Let’s take battlegrounds in particular.

Can I please PAY to turn OFF the animations?

Do they ALL have to be so dismal, long, and flash the screen so extremely? Have the ad execs been studying hypnotizing customers thru light stimulation?

They even SHAKE the screen, when screen shake is turned off.

What kind of pride can your designers take in a game where people are side-windowing, minimizing, and tabbing for LONG TEDIOUS GRATUITOUS animations?

MUST I watch somebody symbolically [edited out - you know what you’re doing with this, blizz] with these absurdly crude animations?

Or can I pay for some inclusiveness and throw quotes from classic literature at them, and force them to look at words of greek, hebrew, and chinese proverbs that have lasted for millennia?

Or how about pay to TURN THEM OFF?

The simple math and puzzle aspect of this game need not be completely saturated in warlock motif. Dark to the point of lost contrast. Artistic imbalance.

Is liking “the light” and the elegance of minimalism so unfashionable? How about just for CONTRAST for those of you who obsess over forcing your dark style on EVERYTHING.

(it’s a bit much. thanks! and it is a stylistic failure endemic to all blizz brand games)

Why pay? Battlegrounds is already p2w and this would only make that problem worse. Animation skip should be a basic QoL feature. The fact that unskipable animations can skip your turn is an inexcusable oversight that’s been known and gone unfixed for 9 years. Technically you can skip animations with windows firewall (which you shouldn’t have to do, but it’s the only fix for now since restarting in-game takes way too long). Btw, you’d be amazed how many people in this community have argued that it’s cheating and if your turn got skipped by animations, that’s fair game you should just lose 1 turn.

“flash”?i dont remember seeing any “flashes” just minions moving