Completed decks?

I purchase my decks with gold, how do I know if I have collected all the cards of a particular deck? Thanks!!

If you’re wondering about a particular deck you found online, you can find out by copying the “deck code”, opening Hearthstone’s Collection, and clicking the “create deck” button. Hearthstone will offer to create a deck based on the code you copied, and it’ll show you which cards you’re missing (they’ll appear ghostly in the card list). You can then replace the cards (HS will offer suggestions) or craft them.

Another option (which is a bit more cumbersome) is to use a third-party service like They provide an add-on which updates your collection information to their website. You can then look at their deck library and see which decks you can build now, and how much dust you need to craft other decks.

Hope this helps!

No sorry, I meant decks or card packs. The ones you buy in the Hearthstone shop…like,. The Witchwood. If I buy them one pack at a time, how would I know that I have a complete set? Otherwise, I would be wasting my gold to purchase cards I already own, rather than on spending that gold on another set.

You’re not likely to have many completed sets, it takes a long time to get all the legendaries (at an average of 1 legendary per 20 packs).

But to see what you’re missing from any particular set:

  1. Open My Collection and switch to “Crafting” mode
  2. Click the book icon in the lower-left corner and choose the set you’re interested in
  3. Search for missing

The collection will show you the cards you don’t have. If the card is faint and gray, you have no copies of it; if the card looks normal, you have one copy (and it isn’t legendary). In either case, you can tap the card to craft another copy.

You can also add other keywords; for example, searching for missing rare shows you the rare cards you’re missing.


Thank you for your help!!!

There is also this page:
https ://
You can use the Hearthstone Deck Tracker app to upload your collection, then use this tool’s “Pack Guide” to see how much dust you would gain from purchasing which pack. The one that has the highest number will net you the most cards that you do not own yet.

Two things though: “Deck” and “Pack” are not the same thing. You buy packs, and then you assemble decks from the cards you have. It’s going to confuse people when you use the wrong term :wink: Also, buying packs with gold or real money makes absolutely no difference on the contents, even though some people spread conspiracy theories about buying with real money giving better rewards, which is simply false. Pack contents are random, that’s it.

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