Complaints/Suggestions about Twist

Anyone that has any thoughts on Twist can also share.


  1. Discard Warlock
    I think this goes without saying that the deck needs a nerf. No reason for the 3/2 to get +2/+2 and the location is ludicrous. The location should be changed to discard a random card, not one you choose, as for the 3/2 it needs to either get +2/+1 or +1/+2, because +2/+2 is insane. I would argue this deck could be put in Standard and wreak havoc, so imagine what it does to Twist that supposedly has a lower power level.

  1. Jade Druid
    The deck is not strong, but there is no Skulking Geist to stop it from going infinite. I know that the deck is there to punish slower decks but having no counter play makes it for an auto-concede if you are playing a slower deck which should never be the case. I’m not suggesting a nerf but an add-on … Skulking Geist.

  1. Eyestalk of C’thun
    The deck is not strong also, but it feels like the deck isn’t even centered around C’thun. Eyestalk does a way better job, and it feels like every game gets decided on whether you draw your “good cards”. That shouldn’t be the case for any deck, and it feels like you are putting everything on 3 cards, (2x Eyestalk of C’thun, 1x C’thun) and praying that you get another Eyestalk from the Discover a Taunt guy.

  1. Battle-Ready decks
    Why are most Battle-Ready decks weak
    Shouldn’t the players that pay to get a deck, get an adequate deck that is able to keep up with the Format
    Jade Druid too slow
    Reno Priest no win condition on a Format with Jades
    C’thun Warrior a joke/boring
    Discard Warlock only one actually good
    and the rest are the ‘lite’ decks, which are Aggro decks so of course they are adequate.
    Please correct me if i’m wrong, but weren’t the Battle-Ready decks actually good last time. Like Quest Druid?

Also let me add here, that they are giving Soridomi for Reno Priest and not Raza. The deck is literally named Reno Priest and they are giving Soridomi, so that people need to spend dust crafting Raza, as if 3200 Gold wasn’t enough! Ridiculous.


The short answer is, like the rest of the mode it was there to sell you something, not make a competitive deck.

Plus, given actiblizz’s track record, they can 100% claim it was “battle ready” and point out that you will still lose. Technically, a group of armored knights with their swords and horse ready to set out into the field is “battle ready” but will lose against a modern infantry division, especially with vehicle and air support.

But the sales rep who sold you that battle ready group of knights said nothing about their effectiveness.


I guess so.

I just don’t understand how this would keep a new player, to continue play Twist. Mind as well give them a good deck so they can win and continue playing. I mean, they surely had an idea of what the meta would look like.

I can make Reno Priest work, which is what i used to get to Diamond 2, but the deck isn’t that strong in the hands of a new player to have the same success i had. Plus i had more cards to use than what the person that brought the deck would have.

Like why not give Jade Rogue, rather than Jade Druid to make the people buying a battle-ready deck have more success.

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Look at mercstone and classic. They didn’t care about long term, they were just happy to push the sales. Whether or not you continue to play doesn’t matter, because they’ll just claim “it only lasted a couple of weeks” then kill it to push "even more overpriced mode"™ and hope they can separate more players from their money.


Twist is more classic than Classic Mode was.

If by “more” you mean “nothing like” you might be on to something.

That’s like saying you’re playing vanilla wow, and you clicked on some hodgepodge of something up to cata the current devs threw together in a desperate attempt to make money, but the minute it launched, was clear they had zero clue they knew what they were doing, based on the rising number of bugs, issues, and outright complaints about the mode.


jade telegram must be changed for me it is to overpowered against control decks, change to draw a card instead or to be random what shuffle in the deck.

Let me preface my comment about this month’s Twist season by saying that I advocated for a new mode like Twist.

I am just not very interested in September’s Twist format. I think they were attempting to create a season which provided a nostalgic feel to it in order to tap into something that would appeal to both Classic and vintage Wild players, while generating sales of (or expenditures of dust on) Caverns of Time cards.

Personally, I had my fill of playing archetypes like Handlock and jade decks when they once dominated past metas, but I am sure that some players will enjoy getting an opportunity to play these old archetypes again.

Season 2 is off to an unimpressive start with streamers mostly ignoring it to play Battlegrounds, and most of the Hearthstone sites, which cater to providing deck lists having neglected season 2 so far.

The devs also ignored my advice about how players would find discard mechanics to not be fun.