Complaints From a Mobile Player

1). The placement of the animations of cards being played by the opponent or the text for inspected cards has been incredibly bad for years. When an opponent plays a card it covers up the action bar on the left of the screen, which is incredibly annoying, because it interrupts any attempts to inspect previous plays made by the opponent. How hard is to not to have cards displayed on top of the action bar? Sheesh!

Also, trying to read the text for signature cards or the abilities of titans is often impossible, because most of the text does not show on the screen.

When I inspect a card, I am not usually admiring the artwork—I am trying to read the text that tells me what the card does or what abilities it has. It would be nice if most of the text was not missing because it’s positioned offscreen.

See below screenshots for examples of the above issues.

2). When switching servers the app becomes bugged in several ways, which includes not being able to see what friends are playing, unable receive challenges from friends, or problems with getting matches to start properly until the app has been closed reloaded. App crashes were common too until the app was reloaded. It’s been this way for years without such problems being addressed.

3). In battlegrounds, actions and animations take too much time to resolve, which gate-keeps mobile players to a fraction of the number of actions that a PC player can make per turn. As a result, I do not even bother trying to play nagas in BGs. I also would never spend money on the BGs because of how poor the experience is.

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