[Common Mistakes] Common Mistakes by F2P

I did a ‘Common Mistakes’ series in 2020, and I wonder if anyone is interested?
If so, I will expand on the topic above and also invite everyone to chip in with useful knowledge.

This is mainly a topic to share/discuss on the common mistakes that (new/old)players might neglect or not be aware of.





  • believing you need a full collection to play the game
  • believing you need a lot of legendaries to play the game
  • soley focusing on 1 class expansion after expansion
  • trying to build every deck they see (lets be honest, you are gonna play 2 games with Kiblers new wacky deck and then realise it sucks and that you waste a few K dust to make it)

can also add: crafting legendaries directly after expansion launch without waiting for the meta to settle first. a lot of card may seem very powerful when revealed (and some even is) but as the meta settles they either arent as good as people thought they would be (maiev) or the deck is just not strong in the current meta (tickatus). so its better to save the dust for 2 weeks and then craft something that is actually strong in the meta


Thanks above. Might also want to add some explanations as players might not understand the rational behind your posts.

Dusting cards without waiting for nerfs to be announced.
Playing too many decks on ladder instead of getting good with one or two decks and mastering them.
Not understanding what cards to muligan in certain matchups or their wincon when facing certain classes or how to exploit the weakness of a deck or class and how to play around cards or powerturns.

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Not utilizing Wild packs for easy dust by abusing the <10 pity timer the first time you open packs for a Wild set.

This is news to me, i know about the pity timer of 40.
So if i open a new wild expansion that i have never bought before in the first 10 packs i will get a legendary ty for the info if this is true.

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Yeah that’s exactly how it works.

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I think the fundamental mistake for f2p is not understanding how f2p games works.

F2p games always front load resources for players to have a start to experience the game.
Grinding and resource management are part of the game, and when f2p don’t accept this, tends to mismanage thier time, energy and resources.

This leads to a downward trend as f2p feels unable to catch-up, and strengthen the ‘bad’ experience.

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Save your gold until expansion releases, otherwise you will be miserable playing catch-up and are unlikely to have cards that get nerfed for refunds.

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I think the main mistake is not realizing how hardcore you have to play to keep up in a game like this, all of these things you guys are doing maybe fit your circumstances, but are not always smart advise. Your collection just simply won’t be good unless you play for 3 or more years.

Like this for instance would lock you out of wild completely and for no benefit whatsoever. If I dust a legendary for 400 dust from 10 wild packs, I’m at no benefit than if I had 2 extra epics from scholomance or darkmoon faire.

a good player can still hit diamond 5 with a tier 3 deck, also lets assume you hit diamond 3 or something with a tier 1 deck, you’re new you’re starting out, then the class begins to drop off in strength, then there is still a good case for potentially sticking with the class because all of your dust is invested there, you will spend 800 dust to maintain rather than 3k on a new deck and if you can still make diamond 5 with a bad deck then it wasn’t detrimental at all.