Coming back after a 1 year break is ... something

So I had to take a break because this game can tilt me in a way that is unhealthy and frankly makes no sense (saying this is 100% no ones fault but my own).

Ok so I’m coming back and I’m MOSTLY enjoying the Standard meta. I’m playing my own version of Kibler’s Singleton Priest deck. The game does feel good so far and I can’t really complain too much BUT there are 1-2 cards that are … I don’t know how to put it … “crazy”?! Maybe I’ve been away too long but some of the cards I have encountered (at least) feel VERY unhealthy for any fun matchup so please let me know what I’m missing:

Brann (Warrior Edition): An 8 mana legendary shaman quest reward in card which has the only condition of being played in a singleton deck. When it first read this, I almost choked from laughing. If this ain’t powercreep, I don’t know what is. Heard the card used to be 6 mana - are the devs even testing this? Add that Boomboss into the mix and playing against a class that is notorious for it’s ability to stall and you get very boring, drawn-out matchups with a 2 card-swing-combo that is just out of this world. How do you win? Steal their stuff with puppet theater (another wtf-card) and do the same to them …

Puppet-Theatre: Whenever I play this, I cringe. Most locations feel crazy but this one is something else. You play a card for 4 mana and then basically steal 2 enemy minion effects (maybe 10 mana cards) and get their effects for 1 mana. Not only that: You can actually keep those cards in your hand. There is virtually no downside to this - any priest deck that isn’t running this (outlier aggro priest decks aside) is gimping themselves (because battlecry/deathrattle are both part of the deal here).

Sagaras: Another minion that has a better version of an older quest reward attached with no strings whatsoever and is flexible on top. You get the portal either way and then it’s Twisting Nether OR buffed imps for the rest of the game. Is this reasonable? Because it doesn’t feel like it?!

Reno: The card that everyone plays. It was most likely discussed to death and this card also saw nerfs (because somehow the devs are really really bad at spotting vastly overtuned cards?!). Getting hit by Reno and having only 1 field open might be the most miserable experience. It’s such a swing (because the enemie’s board is totally unaffected) that it puts most effects I have seen to shame.

Doomkin: How to make a class that outramps you even more unfun to face? You add a card that - for 6 mana with NO CONDITION ATTATCHED - wrecks the mana balance by 2 (you lose 1, the other player gets 1). Tell me one time you were affected by this and thought: This is fine?! :smiley:

Tell me what you think :slight_smile: Maybe it is all fine and I only have been gone for too long :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait till you meet Unkilliax.

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Do you mean the Zilliax versions? I have never seen them pre-nerf but they feel rather good right now. The 9 mana reborn/rush/spell shield life steal version has 4 attack and feels reasonable for a 9 mana card honestly. I also really enjoy how they made the card a “build you own mech”-game. I always salute players who try something on their own.

Same goes for E.T.C.: One of the most interesting cards they have ever printed. It’s your: “I need my niche card”-card. The only aspect I find laughable is that priests (aka me right now) can store another Puppet Theatre and thereby basically breaking the singleton rule.