Really? From 45 hp to 0 in one turn.
Unlimited 2 dmg refresh 2 mana with unlimited hero power.
I hope every mage players put these 2 cards in their deck. It is garanteed win. All you need is stall the game until you play Reno, get your Arcanne Bullet and then drop the Coldarra Drake.
Easyer to do than Exodia. You need no Apprentice sorcs or anything special.
A total free win.
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how do you choose to get arcane bullet ?(i have reno and you can go many many turns without getting the arcane roll)
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But I killed the mage on turn 5…?
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I have to agree, had like 60+ HP/armor but this ‘combo’ is just way too much.
This is exactly the sort of interaction that should have been discovered and corrected in playtesting.
Oh, wait…
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they probably know how often you can go without getting arcane bullet making it way too slow and unreliable
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need to get Reno in your hand and play it
need to get Coldarra Drake in your hand and play it
need to get 12.5% chance Arcane bullet online
while you are dead on turn 6 by quest lock
Just too easy