Classic will be available?

Will classic mode be available to play again? It was my favourite mode and pouf!one day its gone


It was not poof. They gave warning.

There are no plans to bring it back at this time… unless it comes back for a month as a Twist format!

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Nope, it’s gone and will remain gone unless enough people complain and it starts to affect their pr.


1 week warning is sudden, so yes it was poof. People liked playing it and I can tell you weren’t one of them. Let’s take away your favorite mode with a week warning instead. Poof!


I mean, the recent changes to BG did exactly this. For all they did, they made a new mode that sucks, so it’s exactly the same.

I don’t play BG anymore either.

So I get where you are coming from, but they gave you (us) warning.

Yeah about as much warning as there are blue posts here on the forums…

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We have to fight for it!


If people liked it, they wouldn’t have taken it away. I get that it sucks to be one of the dozen or so players affected by this, but they took it away because almost no one liked it.

Incorrect. They took it away because it wasn’t generating enough revenue. Otherwise we wouldn’t have gotten the twist set we did because those sets are pretty universally disliked. Money talks, not people.


That goes hand in hand with what I said. Of course it doesn’t make enough revenue when only a dozen or so people are playing it.

well Ayala said over a year ago classic mode saw play only for a few weeks after it released

and added they were thinking on what to do with it so far as discussing possible replacements

i was surprised by twist with the no neutral rule but we kind of knew the mode wouldnt stay

in the last few months classic mode was only mentioned here and on reddit to talk about how barely anyone played the mode so it had long queues and most players were using bots

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Which everyone knows won’t happen. Because the player base for that format was very small.

This is half of Wild players.
Why small?


Classic should be restored.


Bring Classic back!!


I want to play Classic (so I can ignore the evil concoction of Wild and the heinous brew of Standard and all the other meme modes that don’t fix the game).


We want classic mode back!


Classic is still missing

We think we do, but we don’t