Classic Mode- Intelligent Success Opportunity

The best mode and version of Hearthstone was the classic experience.
People spent lots of money on packs back in original Hearthstone.
Make the American Dream come true please. Let us be free, in-fact, set us free.
Please make a classic mode non-ranked so people can at least play the game again.
Who knows? Maybe getting people back into the game will make them buy your (sorry for saying) crappy expansion packs.
It’s a huge waste and causes stress on customers knowing they spent so much money on packs that are completely useless. You guys technically stole money from the American/World people.
I PROMISE you will get a lot more people playing this game if you put classic mode back in.
Sometimes people want to just hop on the computer and play a relaxing game.
Blizzard does not offer a relaxing experience anymore.
I do not see a reason for stealing from every customer.
Blizzard has become a greedy company for which the only thing they want is our money.
Sometimes you have to give back.
I do not see why this is complicated.
There is a reason why nobody plays this game anymore.
Greed. Simply greed.
If all you want is to come out with new expansions so people buy unbalanced card packs you will continue to lose customers which will lead to negative costs.
You pay developers and programmers for no reason.
No person in their right mind believes this is a good game anymore.
If Blizzard doesn’t start giving back to the customer needs then they will continue to lose money.
Whoever makes decisions with this game should have been fired years ago.
I would say have a good day, but you guys have stolen money from me so I hope your day continues to be miserable.

wow i spend a lot of money too but im not that sour sheesh