Classic - Every opponent is a Warlock

it only warlocks UNTIL you swap to a deck to counter it then they al gone ,magically

I really don’t believe that every zoolock is a bot, I’ve seen the bots, they are all warrior and there are obvious tell signs.

Of my last 12 games though I played 3 games of control paladin, 3 games of control warrior, 3 games of control priest, 3 games of control shaman, I only lost 2 games, so I think control is definitely very strong into zoolock and face hunter which has been the bulk of my matchups. I added two of my previous opponents one at rank 1000 legend and the other at rank 3000 legend, they were playing aggro warrior and aggro mage, so I am not really sure if the meta has shifted away from the miracle rogue and druid, but I suspect that they are too slow to fight hyper-aggro.

Now if the meta did have more control players, in which I only ran into one control matchup, then rogue and druid probably have the better spread there. I am not entirely sure though because I am not top 1000 legend or anything and I usually swap to standard/wild or take a break after hitting diamond 3-5. I suspect as time goes on fewer players will own decks like pocket warrior, I saw a streamer blog of a guy playing control warrior to legend with 100% winrate, so I am semi convinced myself that it is possibly the best deck in classic especially given the current spread of decks run out of steam very quickly.

It exists, and it does well against some decks, and badly against others. You can tech it one way or the other, but it’s NOT a tier 1 deck by any means.

OP, share your list. Impossible to say what you’re doing wrong.

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Miracle rogue can be countered by warlocks, hunters, paladins and even warriors. Aggressive druids also do well.

It’s not untouchable, or anywhere near it. It is, however, one of the few archetypes that stand a solid shot in EVERY matchup.

Is this what standard players think the format is? Lol.

The bulk of them highly likely are, in my view — especially those you would encounter (even with basic decks, yes) during the ‘Winter Veil’ event en masse.

You ain’t seen nothing yet. :grinning: Like those infamous shaman bots in the days of yore…

Druid, especially for players with brains instead of Azure Drakes and two combos (a rare occurrence, I must say), is actually excellent (if not the best) against ‘hyper-aggro’ (meaning mostly decks like face hunter and similar — warlock is a bit different in this regard). I also recommend adding a Healing Touch for extra flavour.

Against bots with basic decks, perhaps, which were so abundant at the end of the previous season — otherwise such a thing simply doesn’t exist. Climbing from D5 to legend was actually lighting-fast then. Somewhere after top-300 in legend you would start meeting more actual players.

No, by far not, as said above.

That’s not a very fitting name, in my opinion, ‘greed rogue’ would have been more apropos. It’s all about topdecking lucky 15-15 (plus-minus) Van-Clowns with stealth on turn 3-4 (is this what current Standard is trying to revive, by the way?) or trying to prey on slower control/midrange decks by high-rolling and mindless facerolling (i.e. going ‘to da face’, which is the place), again, if they get lucky.

Yeah, the most definitive way to crush them is to go to the face fast. :grinning: Quite often they would be dead before they have time for any of the aforementioned greed.

If you’re looking for a class with most balanced match-ups, druid is probably the one, I’d say.

Nothing greedy about it, the deck has multiple ways to win. You’re being clueless.

The most definitive way is freeze mage w/ Vaporize. Another good contender is trap hunter. Wrath paladin works, too. And ofc you have to mention double Armorsmith start warrior (combo can win, too).

Druid does worse vs zoo and paladin. It’s played for the warrior farm.

If by strategy u mean, using the aggresive class as a control class in order to create a meme deck vs an actual pretty solid meta deck than sure, u can do it.

Oh, look, another ‘expert’ :smirk: and forum guru… with three posts in a row, by the way. :joy:

Is this supposed to be a compendium of ‘meme’ (what a stupid non-word, by the way) decks? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

In which world does druid badly against paladin in Classic? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: It’s always good against aggro, and slower paladins are very vulnerable to combos.

Yeah, the famous ‘warrior farm’. :smirk:

Go on, you might make my day in the end. :grinning:

The irony is that you could probably ‘tech’ it against this kind of opponent in particular, however, the decklist with which the topic-starter attempted to do this remains to be seen, thus it’s hard to comment it concretely — forum telepaths are probably on holiday.

Warlock being way overplayed during Classic is one reason Warlock is still one of the classes I never play.

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Looks like it’s warrior bots all over the place (EU server) now…

Played 5 games today

Got 2 rogues
1 shaman
2 warlocks
One of them I can confirm was a real person since he emoted back and quit Before i could win.

I thought matches were like 80% bots.
I wonder why I face so many real players that frequently.

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Hi !
I just came back to the game after 6 years, Ive only played classic format… Aggro archtype will be always a nuisance, but thats how the card games work ( I kinda hate playing agaisnt zoolock all time too )
Gonna explain really quickly the matches balance:
Aggro beats Combo > Combo beats Control > Control beats Aggro
Hunter is a good class for agressive strategies ( Midrange in this game is just an aggro but with huge minions ), unfortunetly if u try go for control using hunter (even control having advantage agaisnt aggro) u wont get that far.
The hunter spells can be good for cleaning slow decks boards (Excepte the explosive one) but zoo is about board spam.

Oh, no, not another person presuming to enlighten us all and reveal the meaning of all things. :grinning:

Back to the topic, though. Recently the bunch of those bots switched to warrior decks (mentioned above, actually), which is even more boring and tedious than trashlock — who would have thought that. :grinning: Not only is it bots (EU server, circa top-300 in Legend and upwards) — it’s the kind of bots that are just stalling and stalling. This is one reason why I’ve stopped playing Classic recently — I’m just not having fun at all anymore with it. If it were actual players at least, that’d be another story, but this…