Classic - Every opponent is a Warlock

That’s hardly a representative feat, and might have been a lucky streak (these happen, as well as unlucky ones). A ‘legend-worthy’ deck, in my opinion, is something you can climb with to Legend every season, more or less, given that Classic is immutable.

Sorry to spoil it for you, but that’s hardly a feat: many things beat control warrior, and it’s hardly a good (tier 1 or 2) deck, too; it’s decent against face hunter, perhaps, very good against freeze mage — which, as said, is a ‘tier 3’ (I don’t get all those ‘tiers’, but if people are comfortable using these terms, so be it) niche deck, but that’s about it, more or less; it’s beaten by druids, has a tough match-up against rogues (which is quite important) and midrange hunters (these are less common at higher ranks, though), strives to equalise against trash (‘zoo’) warlocks and even struggles against such outsiders as slow paladin or even midrange shaman — so it’s hardly as good a deck as many people imagine it to be. It became really big only in Naxx, with all those unstable ghouls, axes (Death’s Bites) and sludge belchers and the aggro meta defined by the Undertaker.

I’m not sure about the exact odds for such an exotic match-up, but that’s hardly impressive, considering that it’s probably the best one against ‘tier 1’ (or 2… depends how you count… once again, I’d take all those ‘tiers’ with a pinch of salt) decks.

I don’t know how you count, but it’s more or less two combos with equality, and that’s about it. Oh, and if you don’t draw the one with pyromancer against aggro (or rather the aggro warlock in particular), you’re probably toast (by turn six plus-minus). :grinning:

Oh, but it is. Slow, clumsy, reactive and very vulnerable to all those burst-damage, high-tempo combos that are prevalent in the Classic meta.

Exactly. Oh, and these are ‘tier 1’ decks, if you will, by the way (of course, I play completely different versions for these classes from what you’ll probably meet with all those netdeckers: I play a ‘Taunt druid’ with a single combo and extra healing, mostly when I face a lot of aggro or something like it, and an aggro rogue — the classic version with Coldlight Oracles — if I meet a lot of clowns with the goblin rogue and such, however, it’s rather bad against zoo; my other go-to deck is a custom hunter; I generally don’t play decks I don’t like and consider trash — not from the ‘tier’ perspective, but subjectively, if you will).

You might have encountered a bot streak, as mentioned earlier — that’s been a thing recently. On the other hand, there are probably better decks for farming botlocks (maybe even freeze mage?), if that’s the current climbing strategy, too.

PS I think you tend to meet some actual players now when you get higher into the Legend rank.

Another virtually nonexistent thing, more or less for the same reasons mentioned above as the slow paladin. :grinning:

If it were Classic arena, then yes, perhaps, but in constructed play you’re unlikely to even get an opportunity to play a 10-mana card, and value doesn’t matter. I’ve written in detail about Ysera, which would be the best legendary in the game, but sadly isn’t, for example, this is even more true for cards like Mind Control. Just forget them. :grinning:

What’s his deck got to do with mine? I think you’re really confusing two things here. :grinning:

I believe I’ve hinted above at what I think about ‘control hunter’, isn’t that obvious enough? :grinning:

PS Mine is more of a ‘hybrid’, by the way, but I’m probably not gonna post the details, because there are few who can actually create something and, on the other hands, many copycats, netdeckers and clowns.

That’s why I report all of them as bots, which they probably are.

Well, with a good defensive deck you can actually prolong that matchup that far, provided that the game goes your way.

No, better to ‘Botstone’ — I’ve already written about the recent influx of bots, have I really got to repeat it again?