Class Identification PALADIN, Libram

Control Paladin is not supposed to be a thing according to the devs themselves. A class whose weakness is supposed to be destroying big minions is not meant to be a control archetype as control decks historically have had good removal options for both tall and wide boards, otherwise they’d be shoddy at actually controlling the opponent’s threats lmao.

Paladin just gets to have its cake and eat it because devs don’t actually care about consistency in class identities and balancing. One class gets shafted in accordance with their stated weaknesses (like Druid for example), another class gets to keep tools that let it ignore their weaknesses (like Paladin). Paladin has insanely good minions, weapons, buffs for their midrange decks, it doesn’t deserve insane nuke buttons on top of that lmao. That’s what breaks classes and Paladin has been broken in the average mmr FOR MONTHS.

Since you’re just repeating yourself, I’ll repeat myself: no, you’re just wrong. You can keep telling lies over and over, but it won’t become true.

I’m going by what the devs themselves posted and I’m correct.

If you want to defend inconsistency and pants on head balancing, be my guest. Soul DH with 2 mana Blade Dance and 3 mana Duskbreaker was as “balanced” as any Libram Paladin with its array of fantastic minions, buffs, weapons and nuke cards on top of that, which happen to contradict the class’ identity lmao.

When they nerfed Equality it literally killed the class for almost an entire year

Paladin of the modern days has a stupid number of great cards aside from Libram of Justice and Barov. Much like Rogue does aside from Edwin.

Don’t fret over it so much. Adjusting Paladin wouldn’t auto kill the class lmao. And if it did, gee, Paladin has been terrorizing the average mmr for months now so who cares.

the line “forgot what they did to equality and why” strongly implies you just want to see the class dead again

No, I don’t care if it’s dead. I just want it adjusted. If it’s dead, I won’t miss it because I do not even play in the mmr where you see a lot of Paladin. But most of the playerbase does, and definitely wouldn’t mind a change at this point. It’s long overdue.

thats a lie because paladin needs to play 2 to do it
priest warrior and rogue can remove a big minion with a single card

to contradict it paladin would need to get a board clear in a single card as strong as the ones priest and warrior have

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Paladin has an insane curve with sticky DS minions and a weapon attached to Libram of Justice. They need just that one card to remove any giant minion or outvalue the opponent in terms of trade options on the board to an absurd degree. As such destroying big minions is supremely easy for them.