Class ban - yes, we need that

Dear developers: It is about time you allow us to ban a class we do not want to face. There was a terrible class everybody hated in every single meta since way back when. I’ll lose my sanity if I have to face another Highlander Warrior where every game plays out the exact same way. To speak in your terms: if you want to people to spend more time in your game, make the game less repetitive and allow people to have some fun. Agreed?


Most people don’t have the cards for all classes and mostly focus on 1 or 2 champs.
Ban system would have less warriors on queue sure but it would ruin the experience for alot of people.

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In b4 “I wonder why nobody ever bans warlock”

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we dont

allowing players to ban their bad match ups on standard ladder will always be a terrible idea


I would definitely ban warlock


A better question would be “Why do you hate playing against warrior so much?”

And this is easy to answer, control decks are not fun to play against. Especially when they have SOOOO much control and have some of the most overpowered interactions with a broken card (Brann).

Would you also like to know a funny thing? Singleton decks (Highlander, or only one of each card) are supposed to have a disadvantage in being “less predictable”. However, there are so many duplicate effects for warrior, (3 cards to get a brawl, come on…) that you wouldn’t know it.

There are other problems too with other classes, but a control deck shouldn’t be that easy to pick up and still achieve a 50% or higher winrate.


So as a regular player I must accept to not have fun, because some people who barely play the game need to have fun when they log in every 200 days? Makes no sense, sorry.

This change isn’t about you having fun. You can play as any deck you like right now. A class ban is about not allowing your opponent to have fun. Because class ban would mess with queue times for the classes that are picked the most.

If the definition of fun is “copy paste the most offensive deck to pick up some easy wins”, then I don’t see the problem with letting these people wait a little longer. Which will be a soft discouragement needed to make them try other decks es well. Everybody wins.

It’s all a matter of perspective. Some people find fun in just winning while others may like to break the meta or at least navigate it with their own creation. Neither of these people did anything wrong.

We don’t need a class ban. It’s a horrible idea.


Of course you don’t, because you’re being inconsiderate and selfish.

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What a great idea.
Let’s inconvenience the warriors with lengthy queues while we revel in our enjoyment.

Absolutely concur.

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Uhm… How are you coming to that conclusion?
The opponents you are complaining about clearly have good cards.
That’s not someone playing casually.

Do you know what does strike me as being characteristic of a casual player?
Deciding that because a specific deck is overpowered (which BTW it’s not), the entire class needs to be removed from the game.
Might I suggest learning to play?

I might, but not for gameplay reasons. :rofl:

Gun. Gun beats everything.

or maybe you are a sad loser who is spending too much time on this forum and should get a life, but hey, you do you.


Being able to ban a class would just get exploited. You pick a deck and then ban your worst matchup. It would make countering the meta extremely difficult and the top deck would be even more of a problem on ladder

Scissors: please allow me to ban Rock.

P.S. Paper is fine.

Well… we all know THIS is true already.

Hilarious that I’m just reading a post or two and someone else comments on this degen wannabe Millhouse Manastorm spending his entire life on this forum.