Clarification #3 Health Totals

40 plus damage to face. The health requires adjustment to higher levels. Playing 3 cards from hand with allowance to do 40+ damage to face needs adjustment.

The interaction between PC vs Phone also needs changing. I believe that crossplay should be optional to users.

PC is allowed to break turn timers. It is only fair to Phone users to be allowed out of that.

Wild, turn 6, Zarimi 80/80 face 🫨

I am able to deal with it with 1 deck. However, just because I can with 1 does not make it balanced. Many people have that thinking on here. My deck A) Doesn’t encounter it or B) Can deal with it.

While in the contrary others classes lack the proper tools. Or it’s very conditional.

For example, warlock can counter mana cheating with a 1 cost destroy minion. Other classes have 5, 6 etc… cost aoes which is too late vs mana cheating. Hell, mage mana cheats like crazy and gets rewards to skip entire turns continuously. Which is ignored and supported.

If you are dead by turn 5, there needs major adjustments. Blizzard as always avoids nerfing all the mana cheating and stat cheating. They continue to print without looking at consequences.

It is time they update the wild cards.

An example is auctioneer. Look what Druid does. Bran into auctioneer to A) Beat turn timer and B) Gain over 40+ attack to face while turning taunts into seeds…

They won’t nerf any of that because it’s perfectly ok! It’s a joke. Why even have casual mode or a ladder, for that matter?

In Wild all classes have a broken deck which is fair enough, just as all classes can be countered. My “musts” for a versatile deck are, Razorscale, Rustrot Viper, Ashen Elemental and Silence based on class.
I falled in love with Razorscale since Titans, play it vs that Dudu and enjoy his immediate concede :upside_down_face::ok_hand: