Choosing Class to Main

Really i cant understand why most of u cry about future changes/nerfs and consider it here ?? If im enjoying any class and style of play with the identity tricks/mechanics, then im stick to it, even if something get nerfed cuz ITS MY CLASS dat i like and if the ladders get changet it doesnt mean i must be forced to play other one cuz of my WR geting down from 60 to 55 etc… All what u said here in most, are about playing top OP classes and pick the 2-3 ones that are almost whole times (and probably) at top tiers lol, while its not about picking the most booring most wining class but most fun for the person to play who will enjoy the style/abbility power and overal vibe, classic cards…

Most of the advice above is good. If you must choose one or two, f2p or little money invested, think about what style or styles you like to play most, not just the latest tier one deck. Is it aggro, midrange, control, combo, zoo, tempo, token, or another? Choose a class that is better known to maintain those playstyles.

Is winning the most important thing to you or fun? I’m a huge fan of control, midrange, and combo decks. I don’t enjoy playing aggro, zoo, and tempo, only playing them when I have to knockout an achievement, a daily, or needing to learn how it plays. When control decks get nerfed, and the tier one decks are all aggro, I still have more fun with control, even with a 40-50% win rate.

If money isn’t an issue, play them all. Playing other decks helps you play better against them. Knowing the cost of their cards, and likelihood of them having that card in hand, helps you at risk management. Should you go all in, or hold back because they have a board clear? I keep up with 100% of the collection spending $345 a year, once you’re caught up that is. 100% of the collection isn’t needed to play every meta deck, so it should be less. If you are just starting, we all were their once, then obviously you will need more money to build your basic collection, but being super conservative with crafting, dusting gold cards, and patients, you’ll get there. With the ability to play any deck, it’s nice to give everything at least a couple tries. You may be surprised to find another deck or playstyle you enjoy.

Whatever you do, enjoy the game, put it down when you’re not, and only spend money if you see value in it. It’s not the destination, but the journey I’ve enjoyed most.

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Because it’s a whole lot less enjoyable when something you did last week made you smile and this week it makes you want to spit.

As a new player dont main one class but plan to main one class at a time.

Aim to get 1000 wins with a class and then move on to another and keep repeating. This will help you develop deep understanding of the different classes work.

1000 wins = months of playing one class if ur not a MANIAC who spend in this booring game more than 1 hour per day…