Choosing Class to Main

i got your answer bro.

huntard and demon hunter class are and were the most complex classes of all times,they controll opponant face with complex strategies and win games in true fashion.

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Lots of people say that. xD Sometimes it can get a little repetitive, but it has some solid midrange decks. Handbuff is my personal favorite.

Shaman and Warlock have mid-rangey decks too, I think, in addition to the classes you mentioned. Shamans get the Totem that buffs cheap minions when you summon them and Piranhas, as well as plenty of reasonably priced spells; Warlocks get Murlocs (and Curses, which are less fun IMO, and might be leaning more Control).

The comments others have made not to “main” a class are valid, though. There’s also the factor that playing the same deck continuously tends to feel stale after a while, so it’s good to have a few options so you can switch it up when one starts boring you.

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In my opinion, Rogue is the perfect class to suit the “complex and strategic” definition. However, it is risky to focus on 1 class only and other people in this topic have already mentioned the reason.

If you enjoy playing Demon Hunter, you should also try Hunter. The nature of these classes share a lot of similarities: “being Aggro and giving people misery”.

One of the most economic way, in my opinion, is building cheapest but effective deck as possible and climbing ranks. While your deck is weak, you should focus on playing Arena. Its reward is better than buying separated packs.

Let’s become Demon Hunter / Hunter to give misery to other people. I shall wait you at the Hall of Toxic. :stuck_out_tongue:

My advice is dont main any one class. What is great now can be unplayable next expansion/rotation. Instead find out what playstyle you enjoy and pick classes that support that playstyle.

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When you originally posted this I’d have said warrior all day 100%. Since the unwaranted and excessive nerfs, they’re underperforming every other class with all of their decks.

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I thought this post sounded familiar.


When i was trying to find a class to kinda main and learn the ends and outs of it was right around the starting days of HS.

I started first working towards which hero look cool with a Golden portrait and got ones I liked to 500 wins. after that I wanted a new Hero Portrait and the only way to really get one back then was 1000 wins so I went for 1000 wins with some classes. (this was before they started adding new portraits)

Just find a reason/class to keep you playing at the start otherwise you be like most on the forums when you stumble and get stuck in an unhappy place of hearthstone too early rather than later on.

Priest was my first to 1000 because back then Mind Control/thief priest was a big part of the game and I found it extremely satisfying stealing and killing my opponents with their own combo or decks/cards.

Warrior and DH.

Priest and Rogue are a little complicated and require a solid understanding of what’s about to happen during the next few turns. The Warrior and DH strategy though doesn’t change much regardless of who you’re playing.

DH is probably in the best place right now.

I don’t suggest you lock into one class though. Learn the matchups with one class but then changing things around is going to be important in keeping up with the meta.

Don’t pigeonhole yourself into a single class. It’s not some kind of RPG it’s a card game. There are some base fundamentals you can use with any class and any playstyle.

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Im totally F2P and plays only Rogue forever cuz its “my class” and no matter what im stuck to it, and as a player with only in-game dust/gold due to f2p im almost disenchant every cards dat i dont will use (other classes) especially the worst for my vibe, like Mages, Priests, DH or Warriors, Druids, they are almost always full disenchanted cuz i know im will never want to play them no matter what, and faster i will uninstall the game (again) than play the other classes… Problem FIXED, and i save the gold every expansion for the additional Rogue skins, mini set and new cards packs…

Good for you, but it’s still terrible advice to give to a new player.

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Eh. The point about “You can’t know what will happen next expansion” still stands. Sure, Paladin has been consistently good for a long while, but I remember before Scholomance and Librams allowed Buff Paladin to come together, the class was firmly in “Y Blizz hate us?” territory.

The meme at the time was that they tried going a different direction with the class every expansion, making it mediocre at all, master of none.

Best I could suggest is looking at some streamers to get a feel of the game plan each class currently gravitates towards, and choosing the one which most closely fits your favourite style.

As said by others though, the meta might shift completely after the august expansion (or even if there are some big balance changes).

As someone who has for years played a single class until reaching the 500/1000 win thresholds and then switching to another class, I can say that in my experience I have rarely been in a situation where my chosen class was completely unplayable.

You might have to accept that in a given meta you are going to be disfavoured compared to better performing decks, but you’ll rarely be placed in “this can never be played” territory.

Why ?? Playing the whole or even half of the classes are pointless, focus on 2 different class (styles) atleast if only f2p plays and its good with variety of archetypes

That’s not actually true.

Aside from the brief period during Ashes of Outland before Aldor Attendant was buffed, Paladin has had at least one tier 2 option — and the majority of the time at least one tier 1 option — since Journey to Ungoro. Often Paladin has had several tier 1 or 2 decks to choose from.

The only class that has been more consistently successful over that time period (but with typically less variety) is Hunter.

The times when Paladin mains have complained about the class aren’t like most other classes. Especially during the year of the Dragon, they complained a lot about not getting what they wanted, but not because they didn’t have good decks available. They just didn’t feel that the tier 1 or 2 tribal aggro decks that were available (like Murloc Paladin or Mech Paladin) felt enough like Paladin.

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Thanks, you saved me the trouble.

Fact is, paladin mains have been spoiled for quite some time. A paladin main thinks paladin is in the dumpster when its best deck is tier 3, while other classes think they are doing well when they even see tier 3 play because they’re normally trash.

There have been more than a few posts where paladin mains complain about their class when it has low tier 2 decks because they’re so accustomed to being great.

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My fault lol. My phone bugged out and didn’t think the original posted since I wasn’t finished. Hadn’t realized it did haha. Although, IT BEARS REPEATING!

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You have to select a class after your “probation” period and they give you 2-3 free legends along with your class legend based on the class you pick. They absolutely force you to pigeon hole. Although they’d probably say we’re pigeon heading.

In the long run random legendaries don’t mean much. They often nerf the top classes so a good legend one day is another pack filler the next. Especially since the nerfs are usually to everything but the legendaries when they can help it. You don’t even get the full dust value from your class pick. There are 2 ways to do it pick the class you think is the most fun for you or spin a wheel and let RNGesus decide for you.

You can’t realy “main” a class in this game.

The changes that happen neuter most classes so collect every card you can and make good decks with what you get.

I would advise not supporting p2w and buying stuff from the store. Collect decks from in-game currency.

As everyone has said I won’t really repeat but choosing one class is non feasible, Blizzard’s greed is insatiable and they nerf top performing decks and hence classes sometimes twice a month, mostly in an effort to force the player base to craft cards they currently do not own to stay competitive.

Realistically you probably need to pick at least three classes to main, but even then you run the risk of being shut out by nerfs from the meta.