Chillwind YETI revamp

I wanted to play the game but it seems like one of my favorite cards in the game, Chillwind Yeti, is no longer “a thing”. Is there a way that we would be able to bring this card back? I guess a 4 mana 4/5 is no longer good enough. What would it take to bring Chillwind Yeti back to our hearts?


A competent team working on the game.


Mabye as a 4 mana 6/7 it would make yeti have good stats for the cost again.

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Give it an effect and/or change its cost/atk/hp

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4 mana 4/5 Epic

Battlecry: Freeze all enemies

End of turn effect: Deal 2 damage to all enemies

How’s that for power creep? Lol

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New Legendary card

Start of the game: If you deck has minions with no abilities all minions in your deck gain +5 +5 lmao.


That’d be hilarious! A deck full of giant yetis, crocolisks, bloodfen raptors, etc hehe


all you need is one textless minion to activate this lmao

i’d much rather something like

Start of Game: If every minion your deck (other than this) has no text, give your minions “Battlecry: Adapt”


Some sort of high evolutionary effect that transforms all your vanilla minions somehow (or just start of game buffs them?) could be fun, but they’d have to be very careful about how they’d do it.

Or a payoff card, something like One Amalgam Band that gets improved for every textless minion you’ve played.

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Give it rush. Maybe still weak, but better for new players

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Again, please stop breaking the code of conduct

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This thread …,I’m in hysterics.


Chillingwind yeti
4 m 4/5
Deathrattle: summon a chillwind yeti


Too weak, it also needs elusive. Otherwise it could be silenced. :wink:

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Old innervate would bring back yeti.

A yeti on t1/t2 is unstoppable,almost game winning.
But they nerved innervate. And that was the end for our yeti.
Hes still very good,its just that his most powerfull plays got nerfed.

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:joy: Exactly.

But wait a minute… This thread reminded me of something, and, while looking for it, I dug this up: Yeti in 2024? Theory (post #7 isn’t probably a bad proposition).

Is there anything on these forums that’s new and not repetitive? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Seems like a lot of people enjoy playing Yeti. But I just noticed something…is that the person certain people here seem to think I am? That’s wild…I can see why they think that now even though they’re 100% wrong.

… And cost 5 less mana!

4 Mana 6/6

You and your opponent draw 2 cards. Your opponents drawn cards are frozen for one turn.

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