Priest Legendary
Skillwind Yeti
3 Mana 4/4
Battlecry . Deal 15 damage to this minion. Excess damage targets your hero.
At the end of your turn, this minions attack becomes equal to its health. Repeat this for every Skillwind Yeti that has died this way.
Lol he posted the same stuff on the other account as well.
That’s like the 5th OOPS!
It would help if you read before commenting
That’s not even what I’m talking about
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Then what are you talking about?
I feel you. In todays Hs it would need to be a 10/10 reborn with Charge that costs 3 mana, but I don’t see a reason why it shouldn’t be.
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I would absolutely love it if Yeti could come back to the game. I even posted about it sometime awhile ago before I was deployed
We know… You did already in this thread.
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This is my first time posting in this thread (well, second time now). Idk what you are talking about, I just got back from a deployment
Omg…you’re real. They’ve been thinking I am YOU. I told them multiple times but they wouldn’t listen. They even tried to get me banned and mass reported all my stuff, because they thought I was YOU. WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM? lol
Idk who you are, sorry. I only know one SilentStorm and he’s a genius. Idk what I did to them. Normally I just speak the truth no matter if it hurts or is unpopular.
Weird. It must take appx. 3 minutes on the dot to log in and then out and then log in.
Now I know.
Please stop harassing me, thank you
Countdown…about 30 seconds left
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I’m so sorry bro. That person is a well known troll in these forums, harasses people all the time. Idk why they’re still allowed to even be here.
That’s really disheartening
I know, unfortunately they’ve been allowed to infect this place for a long time. More people just need to report them and it will be a better place again.
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I’m confused by what is going on in this thread.
Yea, well, your avatar ain’t helping xD