Cheating cheating hacking

so sick of the cheating. you can even tell because they play slow as all hell. and you can see them move cards around back and fourth. like there picking the cards they want and they have every card they need every single time. its not posibile in any random deck


It’s very unlikely that you are being cheated.

You’re playing someone who’s slow & deliberative, & they are beating you.

And of course, you can only be beaten if your opponent is cheating, therefore your opponent is cheating,

I am so tired of these nonsensical threads.


Could you be more detailed? They aren’t cheating, but I’m curious how articulate this is in your head. Unless it’s just pure fabrication created by anger and frustration, of course.

But not so tired that they keep showing up to post and insult people in them, as usual.

Once again, the person who claims to be against insulting is…insulting other people.

I’m so tired of hypocritical pro company posters.

It does sound very much like typical bot behavior.


I have seen this exact same kind of play myself. Very slow, keeps looking at the “same” cards over and over and always comes up with the perfect answer to every situation. EVERY TIME.
So perfect, I thought it might be a blizz bot that they run to auto defeat players.

Not sure if this is the thread for it but was one win from Diamond ladder then got smashed all the way down to Jaraxus profile (over 20 losses) alternating 4 different decks. Tin foil hat me says I’ve been targeted. Reality is this is just bunk RNG durp durp.